Boiling Point Essays

  • Essential Chemistry: Determination Of The Boiling Point

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    Introduction The Boiling Point can be defined as the temperature at which a substance bubbles, and converts from a liquid form to a gaseous form, it is the temperature at which the vapour pressure from the liquid is equal to that of the atmospheric pressure (eds. Hanks & Potter 1971). Molecular structure is the location of atoms, groups or ions relative to one another within a molecule, as well as the number and location of chemical bonds in the molecule as well. The boiling point of a substance depends

  • Boiling Point In The Periodic Table

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    Boiling point, similarly to melting point, depends on the strength of forces between the particles that make up the element. When a substance boils, most of the remaining attraction forces are broken, the particles can then move freely and farther apart. The stronger that the attraction force is the more energy that is needed to overcome them and increase the boiling point. Boiling points vary in a regular way or pattern depending on their position in the periodic table. The general periodic trend

  • Conclusion of Midterm

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    into three parts. So we took the first fraction and experimented on it. We purified it and determined its boiling point, density and solubility. We also had to see if it had an odor and whether it was flammable or not. After doing all this we realized that this Fraction was Isopropanol Alcohol. We came to this conclusion by looking at our data for the solubility, density, odor, boiling point, and flammability. To get and identify Fraction III, we had to continue from Fraction I. After getting the

  • Distillation of Crude Oil

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    Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil BOILING POINTS AND STRUCTURES OF HYDROCARBONS The boiling points of organic compounds can give important clues to other physical properties. A liquid boils when its vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Vapor pressure is determined by the kinetic energy of molecules. Kinetic energy is related to temperature and the mass and velocity of the molecules. When the temperature reaches the boiling point, the average kinetic energy of the liquid particles

  • oxygen

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    Oxygen Oxygen Atomic number8Atomic weight15.9994Melting point-218.4oC (-361.1oF) Boiling point-183.0oC (-297.4oF) Density (1 atom, 0oC) 1.429 g/lValence2electronic config.2-6 or 1s22s22p4.Oxygen is one of the must important factors that made it possible for life to exist in this planet. Oxygen is also one of the elements must found in earth. Oxygen can be found in in metals, water, and even the one thin that protects us from the powerful sunrays. Oxygen is a very unstable element, which makes it

  • Sulfur Cyanide

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    Physical Properties: Solid at room temperature. ( “Thiocyanate.”) Boiling point- 146 degrees Celsius +/- 9 degrees. (“Thiocyanate Anion.” ) Typically Colorless ( “Thiocyanate.”) Flash point- 42.1 +/- 18.7 degrees Celsius (“Thiocyanate Anion.” ) Vapour Pressure- 4.7 +/- .3 mmHg at 25 degrees celsius (“Thiocyanate Anion.” ) This is the lewis dot diagram of Sulfur Cyanide. While this section won’t feature an in depth description of the lewis dot diagram and what it means, the diagram will help to

  • Characteristic Property Lab

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    of a substance changes then the physical appearance will also change. However, the density, which is a characteristic property, will not change at all. The boiling point of a substance is the temperature that a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. The boiling point of a substance is a characteristic property because the boiling point of a substance will never change even when the volume and mass changes. The only thing that will change is the time that it takes to reach that temperature.

  • Essay On Fractional Distillation

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    liquids by boiling the liquids and which removes water from its impurities. Simple Distillation separates out a liquid/solid mixture. If the boiling point is greater than 40 degrees Celsius then simple distillation will be able to be used to separate two liquids, if not then Simple Distillation cannot be used. Fractional distillation splits two liquids and transfers them to their pure form by using their boiling points. In order for Fractional Distillation to be used, the boiling point has to be less

  • Bromination of Benzene Synthesis and Purification of Bromobenzene

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    BROMINATION OF BENZENE SYNTHESIS AND PURIFICATION OF BROMOBENZENE: PROCEDURE DATA TABLE Chemical     Boiling point C     Melting Point C     Density g/mL     Solubility Benzene     80.1     5.5     0.88     Slightly in H2O Toluene     110.6     -93     0.87     Slightly in H2O Bromobenzene     155-156     -30.8     1.50     Insoluble Dibromobenzene     220.40     87.31     0.96     Insoluble MATERIALS: Graduated cylinder Weight scale Buchner funnel Filter flask Rubber stopper

  • Distillation Lab Report

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    so when it removes those things then it's just regular water. Research fractional distillation of crude oil.  How does it work and what does it produce? They have to do Fractional distillation of crude oil mainly because they have different boiling points, the substances in crude oil can

  • Steam Distillation Essay

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    distillation uses boiling point to separate organic liquid and water. The organic compound must be immiscible with water, have a high vapor pressure at 100˚C, and may decompose before boiling point is reached. Steam distillation increases the vapor pressure of water more than the vapor pressure of the organic compound as temperature rises to reach the boiling point of the mixture which is a little less than 100 ˚C (boiling point of water) but a lot less than 254 ˚C (boiling point of eugenol). Since

  • Xenon

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    one atom contains a full shell. Xenon is one of the most stable elements on the table. The 54 electrons are arranged, so that there are 2 in the 1st shell, 8 in the 2nd, 18 in the 3rd, 18 in the 4th and lastly 8 in the 5th shell. The melting and boiling points of xenon are extremely low. They are -111°C and -107°C respectively. Xenon and most of the other noble gases were discovered by Sir William Ramsey and M.W. Travers from England in 1898. The two scientists discovered it mistakenly while experimenting

  • The Effect of Temperature on Air Pressure

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    water. 3) Record my observations on a piece of paper. 4) Write my conclusions in my science fair logbook. For the second experiment my procedure is: 1) Get an empty gallon milk jug at room temperature. 2) Heat to water to just before the boiling point on a hot plate. 3) Fill the milk jug about quarter of the way with hot water. 4) Put the lid on tightly 5) Wait one hour and record my observations and conclusions. For the third experiment my procedure is: 1) Get a medium sized bottle

  • Celsius

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    Hot and Cold Winter is coming to the northern hemisphere, and with it, talk of central heating, gloves and scarves, snowfall, and record low temperatures. Monitoring temperatures is part of our everyday life — whether we're talking about the weather, our bodies, central heating, or cooking. In the United States, we typically measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. But in other countries, such as England, you'll get the weather forecast in degrees Celsius. Recipes will advise you to bake a pie

  • Properties of Hydrogen

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    odorless gas, with a density of 0.089 g/liter at 0° C (32° F). It is highly flammable. Like most gaseous elements it is diatomic (its molecules contain two atoms), but it dissociates into free atoms at high temperatures. Hydrogen has a lower boiling point and melting point than any other substance except helium. Liquid hydrogen, first obtained by the British chemist Sir James Dewar in 1898, is colorless (but light blue in thick layers) with 0.070. when allowed to evaporate rapidly under reduced pressure

  • Nature of a Diamond

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    column. The idea is that, as the temperature of the column decreases, the vapor temperature will decrease. When the boiling point of a compound is passed, the compound will condense on the sides of the column and be collected in the fraction well at that point. Thus the mixture is separated into fractions of compounds with similar boiling points in a mixture.4 Adamantane’s high boiling point caused it to be one of the initial compounds to condense with the kerosene fraction in the 190o C cut.5 The only

  • Benzene

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    Benzene Benzene, C(6)H(6), is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid that is insoluble in water.Its boiling point is 80 degrees C (176 degrees F). In the past benzene was obtained from the distillation of coal in the absence of air. Today most benzene is made syntheticallyfrom petroleum products. The benzene is a closed ring of six atoms connected by bonds that resonatebetween single and double bonds; each carbon is also bound to a single atom. Benzene isinsoluble in water but mixes in all proportions

  • The Physics of Pressure Cooker

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    Celsius (212 degree Fahrenheit) in normal room temperature and pressure. If somebody boils the water for five minutes or for twenty minutes, the temperature will always remain the same. The pressure of air affects the boiling point of water. If air pressure is changed, then the boiling point will also change according to it (How does”). This is why a pressure cooker cooks food quickly as the pressure of the steam in the cooker gets as high as twice the normal pressure of the atmosphere. A this pressure

  • Pressure

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    pounds per square inch, dynes per square centimeter, or newtons (N) per square meter (Pressure n.pag). Pressure has many influences and effects on objects. When the pressure rises, it affects the melting point and the boiling point of a substance. This causes the raising of the melting and boiling points of most substances (Pressure The... n.pag). Pressure can be seen and demonstrated in many ways; including air pressure, Bernoulli’s principle, Pascal’s Principle, and Archimedes Principle. Air pressure

  • Major League Baseball

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    line to many. The backlash from the fans was overwhelming to the point that Mariners management had no choice but to lift the ban. The ban caused three major backlashes: It angered season ticket holders, it told the fans that the first amendment could be twisted at the ballpark, and it tried to strip fans of team spirit and pride. Mariner management ignored the minor uprising as long as possible until the ban reached near boiling point levels. Things have since settled down in Seattle, but hopefully