Assessment Test Essays

  • Business Impact Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Test, And Risk Assessment

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    Create or find definitions for Business Impact Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Test, and Risk Assessment.. The goal of a Business Impact Assessment is to look at each asset that has a risk of being compromised and identify all of the impacts the loss of the asset would or could have on the business’s operations. This can be used to identify whether the level of risk that an asset has is within an acceptable level and properly protect the assets that are important to the business

  • Psychological Assessment: The Aptitude Test For School Beginners

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    Psychological Assessments have been committed to producing results that are important in the selection of individuals, screening and assessing (Butt, 2016) of basic and applied cognition, personality, interpersonal behavior, psychopathology, forensics, and biological psychology (Butt, 2016). This means that psychological assessments are used to provide results necessary for the above mentioned domains. The psychological assessment of main focus in this document is the Aptitude Test for School Beginners

  • The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)

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    schooling was practically determined in the months of February and March, by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, most commonly known as the F.C.A.T. The Florida department of education (2005) presents (to parents and guardians of the students), the F.C.A.T. as a test given to Florida students to measure what they know and are able to accomplish in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. This test is a part of Florida’s plan to improve student’s achievement. It measures challenging content standard

  • Standardized Test and Informal Reading Assessments

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    How well do standardized tests work as tools for obtaining information about children’s literacy strengths and needs? Standardized tests have both positive and negative uses as they pertain to obtaining information and what that information can be used for. The use of portfolios can also be used to guide instruction, and they can be used as informal or summative assessments. The use of both the standardized test as well as a student portfolio will give the teacher information that can be used to

  • Why Standardized Tests Are Not Really Reliable Assessments

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    like a good idea to give a bunch of students the same test and see how each one does, it is not that simple. The results do not represent how smart a student is or a student's potential to do great things in the real world. In taking a standardized test one student may have a greater advantage over another for many reasons. Reasons that are not shown in the standardized test score. There are many issues one might face when about to take a test, some students may "have something major interfering

  • The Weakness of Buck's House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) Assessment Test

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    The House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) was designed in 1947 by psychologist John N. Buck. The projective assessment was designed to provide information on personality characteristics and interpersonal relationships. The H-T-P is an assessment that utilizes drawing a House a Tree and a Person. First the objects are drawn with pencil (achromatic) and then the same objects are drawn using color (chromatic). The drawings are free-hand without a use of examples such as magazines or models. The H-T-P was designed

  • Problems with the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Test

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    The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, otherwise known as the TAKS, is a standardized test used throughout the state of Texas to determine whether or not a student is prepared for the next grade level. The TAKS test was implemented in 2003 to replace the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills in concurrence with the “No Child Left Behind Act”. The new test added science and social studies portions to the already existing sections of math, reading, and English. The purpose of this was to obtain

  • Athletic Scholarship. The good & bad

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    In order to be eligible for an athlete to play in college they must have at least a 2.5 high school grade point average in a curriculum of 13 core courses. Also they are required to score a minimum score of 700 points on the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or a minimum score of 15 points on the ACT (American College Testing Program). If an athlete passes all the requirements and is able to play they must then take a course load of at least 12 hours, and by the end of the semester pass a total of

  • My Self Assessment Test

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    The self-assessment test shows people their areas of strengths and weaknesses (Bethel University, 2014). In order to achieve success people must learn to use their strengths and improve their weaknesses. The first step in this process is learning which skills are strengths and which are weaknesses (Bethel University, 2014). After taking the test I was pleased to find I had more strengths than weaknesses. However, the test brought to light issues that I did not realize could be hindering my success

  • Blacky Test Personality Assessment

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    are many types of personality assessments to help the examiner to test the personality. The personality test/assessment can help access individuals to know more about their personality. The assessments also can be applied in clinical psychology, career counselling, school setting, survey and others form of setting. Our group is analysing two types of personality tests. They are the Blacky Test and Kinetic family drawing. Blacky Test The Blacky Test was a personality test that to let a person respond

  • Bench Mark Assessment Test Critique

    1553 Words  | 4 Pages

    For the Test Critique Assignment I choose the Bench Mark Assessment Test for fourth grade. I think it is a great asset to know how my bilingual students are performing against other fourth graders or even to compare them with the national and state scores. The Bench Mark Assessment test is not an option, all students in grades third through eight who take the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) must take the Bench Mark assessments test. The Bench Mark Assessment test primary purpose of the

  • Student Assessment - Limitations of the IQ Test

    882 Words  | 2 Pages

    IQ test stands for an ‘intelligence quotient’ test, or a cognitive ability test and these tests are taken frequently by many people as a measure of one’s intelligence. The view that an IQ test accurately determines, or even estimate, and individual’s intelligence is very arguable, and has not been without controversy. IQ tests work on the notion of Symbolic Logic, and since this is not correlated with intelligence, there is uncertainty over what is being measured. The very notion of intelligence

  • Awareness Skills Assessment: The Raus And The Woodcock Johnson Tests

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    the Woodcock Johnson Tests, is used to measure a person’s basic intelligence. The test is shown that it only takes about thirty-five minutes based on who is administering the test and how the person receives the information. The test is split into four sections which consists of “Verbal intelligence index (VIX), a nonverbal intelligence index (NIX), a composite intelligence index (CIX), and the composite memory index (CMX)” (Sandhu, 2016). These all work together in the test to end with the final

  • Psychological Assessment In Hood & Johnson, Hood And Johnson

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    examined closely the uses, nature, measurement concepts and initial and outcome assessments of psychological assessments used in Counseling Psychology. Psychological assessments are used by counselors to “identify the nature of a client’s concern and to consider possible treatment approaches” (p.3). Additionally, the assessment data derived from assessments is used by counselors for planning and evaluating programs. The assessment process is therapeutic in that it assists clients in clarifying goals and

  • The Pros And Cons Of Psychological Testing

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    of decisions can and cannot be made on the basis of test data, and how should those decisions be made? What credentials, if any, are necessary to administer and interpret psychological tests? What rights do examinees undergoing psychological evaluation have? Public scrutiny of psychological testing reached its zenith in 1965 with a series of probing and unprecedented congressional hearings (see Amrine, 1965). Against a backdrop of mounting public concern about—as well as legal challenges to—psychological

  • Assessment of Students' Special Needs

    1806 Words  | 4 Pages

    The first school I was worked in Saudi Arabia was a small village far from the city more than an hour and a half. I was general classroom teacher for only four students in the first grade . One of my students did not respond for any oral or written tests. After the first week, I decide to tell the school principal about her poor performance in the classroom comparing to her peers. The principal asked the supervisor at the city education department who suggested that parents should take their girl

  • Psychological Assessment v. Testing

    941 Words  | 2 Pages

    Psychological assessment is an important part of the counselling process. Quite often psychological assessment is confused with psychological testing, even though they are different. According to Cohen & Swerdlik (2009), psychological testing is: “the process of measuring psychology-related variables by means of devices or procedures designed to obtain a sample of behavior” (p. 14). Cohen & Swerdlik (2009) also define psychological assessment as: “the gathering and integration of psychology-related

  • Transition Assessment Process

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    Transition assessment is the process of special education students developing the skills required to achieve goals in college, work, and life. These assessments have been created by the U.S. Department of Education in which called for all students to receive a complete education regardless of any disability. The transition assessment consists of five processes that together help the student achieve their transitional goals. Transition assessment uses information collected from interests, skills,

  • Evaluating Cognitive Modifiability with LPAD

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    LEARNING POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CHILDREN Reference:  J.H.M. Hamers, A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars, K. Sijtsma The Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) is a dynamic cognitive assessment designed to evaluate the modifiability of the student. The LPAD assesses the student’s capacity to change his or her cognitive structures by means of learning. + The LPAD does not measure individual performance by comparing it to accepted norms, but rather assesses the person’s learning potential Learning

  • The Pros Of Construct Validity

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    For an assessment to have validity that indicates that the assessment accurately measures what is intended to measure (Frisbie, 2005). For example, if a scientist measures 30 grams of sugar on a scale and the scale shows that the sugar weighs 21 grams, then the scale did not provide an accurate measurement of what was claimed to be the measurement. This is quite similar to an assessment validity because if an assessment intends to measure something in particular, but ends up measuring something that