Art school Essays

  • Arts In Schools

    1555 Words  | 4 Pages

    Are Arts Important in Education? (An argument concerning why arts should be required in all schools) Many states throughout North America don’t require art classes such as art, dance, drama, and music. Many states require credits of art classes in order for their students to graduate from high school. Schools in New York City note that not requiring arts classes in high school is a problem. Administrators from New York schools admit that “low income areas in NYC look to cut out art education because

  • Schools and Arts

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    Assignment #4 School is an institute for educating children and adults that wish to gain success and become enriched. However, schools everywhere are shutting down extracurricular activities and cutting out classes such as art, ceramics, band, choir, orchestra, and dance that give students potential to thrive in their lives. People claim that they want their kids to be well-rounded, confident, and smart, but are dismissing classes that are essential to building any of those. Schools should not cut

  • Arts In Schools

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    Across America, schools have been cutting arts programs to save money, because the arts are often viewed as nothing more than a hobby or pastime, but those who see it as unimportant look over the variety of arts surrounding them. Even in the subtlest of ways, art makes its way into the lives of everyone, from eye-popping commercials desperate to grab the audience’s attention, to the music played on the overhead speakers of a grocery store. For years, schools from Pre-K to High School have been removing

  • Fine Arts In Schools

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many have heard of fine arts, but do they know what fine arts contain? Fine arts in schools normally include paintings/sculptures, music, theater, and drawings. People believe that fine arts is a beautiful aesthetic value of work. Some say that this type of program benefits to teach different roles and skills to different kids. I have recently learned that in some schools, fine arts might form to an end and cancel out due to issues during school. Which I will talk about in this essay. (“10 Studies

  • The Importance of Art in School

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    I was in high school, I was very involved in the arts. I took a band, choir and two years of visual art. During the years of high school, I knew that the fees for the art courses cost much more than other electives at my school. I also observed that the school focused more on their athletic and academics programs, than on their art programs. We had many fundraisers to raise more money for the art programs even after paying an already expensive fee to takes these electives. Schools are neglecting

  • Fine Art Classes In Schools

    1306 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fine art classes can be helpful to students in many ways even if they have different mindsets. However, fine art classes involve music,drama,dance,and art, but they also gain more knowledge and skills as they move on. Fine art classes should be recommended in all schools because it consists of simple classes that students take to gain educational growth,an improvement in confidence, and a possible outlook into future careers. Initially, fine art classes are beneficial and should be recommended in

  • Art Classes in Schools: To be, or not to be?

    1295 Words  | 3 Pages

    Most people would agree that music and art programs in schools have a huge impact on students not only academically, but in just about every aspect of their lives. Studies have shown that students who are involved in music and art programs have an overall higher IQ and show signs of many other academic benefits. Participating in such programs also allow students the opportunity to express themselves artistically and show the world their perhaps otherwise hidden potential. We all know how fun it can

  • Cutting The Arts In Schools Essay

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    The schools want to cut out the student’s right to creativity and individuality by cutting the art programs. Many people think the arts are just a waste of time, for example, music, band, photography, and the art class itself. There are a lot of students out there that would tell you how much the arts have improved their lives and why we should keep it. There are a few people out there who look at the more educational side to cutting the arts program. There are many positive aspects to cutting the

  • Arts in Public Schools

    2034 Words  | 5 Pages

    Arts in Public Schools All around the United States, art programs are being cut out of the budget in public schools. The arts include dance, band, chorus, theatre, film, drawing, painting, photography and literary arts. Some school board members feel these art programs are not necessary and do not benefit the students in any way. Elementary, middle, and high school students are forced to quit their passion and feel that their talents are not supported by their schools. Although many are not aware

  • Arts In Schools

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Crawford County school Corporation our school is in a budget crunch which forces administrators to look for ways to cut back on spending. In addition to freezing teacher salaries and holding off on needed structural updates, schools look to “elective” programs to eliminate to save money, such as art, music, and PE. However, schools should not be so quick to cut these programs, as they have many benefits for our children. Students who participate in arts programs are at least three times

  • Cutting Art In Schools Essay

    1238 Words  | 3 Pages

    Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance. Cool fact right? Schools cutting art along with music programs is a problem that is all too real. When schools cut art programs they are also cutting the skills that could very well improve the students. The benefits and the entertainment that they all could have had are gone as well. Cutting those “unnecessary” classes are really hurting the future

  • Arts Should Pursue Funding In Schools

    638 Words  | 2 Pages

    This was because of art. Many children go to a music class or at class at least once a week or every couple of months to learn about art history and to express themselves through it. But, the debate about funding for art and if it should go somewhere “more important” is still being debated. Arts need funding in schools because they help improve other major subjects and school arts offer many jobs for people who want to teach art. First arts need to be funded in schools because they help improve

  • Arts Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    It has been said that some people think classes such as music (choir or band), drama/theatre, and art should be required on schools. Upon hearing that people will ether agree or disagree; personally, I chose to agree with this suggestion. Reasons such as social opportunities, reasonable fair requirements, and the encouragement to acquire a new view on the arts in general are examples of key points to bring up in this view of the stance I have taken. Some say that the skills are useless that young

  • Art Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

    830 Words  | 2 Pages

    Budget constraints have caused many school to cut back or cut out the art education programs taught in public schools. Art programs within schools has a positive effect on the students and create ways for them to use their creative outlets to learn. Art is considered to be an “​objects, ​images, ​music, etc. that are ​beautiful or that ​express ​feelings: the ​activity of ​painting, ​drawing, and making ​sculpture: ​paintings, ​drawings, and ​sculptures: an ​activity through which ​people ​express

  • Arts Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wow that’s an amazing painting on the wall. Art is something that catches every person’s eyes. Paintings are not the only form of art though. Art comes in many different forms, it can come in paintings, music, and acting for examples. In schools you can find all of these as separate classes. What most people don’t know is that they are actually declining. Schools are losing their funding that are put towards these classes. There are many students hat excel in these types of classes, but at

  • Lack of Fine Arts Programs in Schools

    2350 Words  | 5 Pages

    Although they are often ignored, poorly funded or cut from today’s school curriculum, the fine arts offer a wide variety of benefits to those who participate. As time goes on, people are not getting exposed enough to creativity to understand the betterment of fine arts. They are too involved in sports to understand that sometimes people just need a little creativity in their system to help broaden their ignorance. Not just the music industry or the acting industry, but people are forgetting about

  • Arts Education Should Be Taught in Public Schools

    1267 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout my childhood, though, art simply meant doodling with crayons or creating some mess. I considered that as my true art. On my birthday, my father bought me one Japanese movie named The Future Boy Conan as a gift. Even though it was my first time watching a Japanese movie, I was enchanted. I developed the patience to learn to draw and continued to study more about arts. The more I drew, the more I felt like I found something, not only in the artworks, but in myself. Art is still my passion and is

  • Fine Arts Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

    934 Words  | 2 Pages

    whether or not fine arts such as art and music are should be taught in school. These, of course, are electives and are not required classes. These classes are used to fill up a schedule and help you enjoy your day. Many people enjoy these classes because they get to do more than just bookwork normally. This makes classes more fun because they’re different and it makes it possible to try different learning opportunities. With this students are able to excel and improve their GPA’s in school. This is good

  • Argumentative Essay: The Role Of The Arts In Schools

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    big struggle. With the number of unemployment rising, people are furthering their education to meet the needs of jobs available. Schools are now requiring some form of the arts to be taken in order to graduate. Although the arts may have many benefits, I believe that funding in the school systems is not needed. “Corporations and foundations report that giving to the arts has not fully recovered from the recession of the late 1980s and early '90s” (Clark ¶14). When we think about all the modern technology

  • Should Arts Education Be Kept In Schools Essay

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Arts Education Must Be Kept In Schools Arts education has shown to improve students’ abilities, including self confidence and book smarts, but now it is being threatened by school officials to be terminated. Arts education are the performing arts like dance, music, theater, and visual arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, and design works. Arts education deserves to be kept in schools since it has raised test scores, boosted confidence, and even calms symptoms of depression. Do you want your child