Cutting The Arts In Schools Essay

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The schools want to cut out the student’s right to creativity and individuality by cutting the art programs. Many people think the arts are just a waste of time, for example, music, band, photography, and the art class itself. There are a lot of students out there that would tell you how much the arts have improved their lives and why we should keep it. There are a few people out there who look at the more educational side to cutting the arts program. There are many positive aspects to cutting the art programs but there are negative aspects as well.

Performance arts help naturally build mental skills, such as imagination, observation, abstract thought and pattern recognition. This will be very helpful in the real world. The Eiffel tower wasn’t meant to become as popular as it is but it did because people thought it was a work of art. A woman Erika La Tour got married on the Eiffel tower. That was done by imagination, and because of one artist’s vision, it is visited by over 6 million people each year. Gustave Eiffel, the man who designed the …show more content…

Participation in drama, music or fine arts classes sometimes provides the sole reason these students attend school. A lot of people think it’s a good idea to cut the arts program because it will bring more money to the more academic subjects in school, although that maybe true, there are some negative effects to cutting the arts programs. The students get to express themselves in ways that are not destructive. If we cut the art programs we will have a 70% chance of students acting out in public places, getting involved with drugs, or even developing a destructive mind set. Without art we don’t know how students are going to act. We will have higher crime rates and lower college graduates. Many people may say, “We want our gets to get a good education.” Well people think the arts are just a distraction. Most of the people are motivated to go to school because of their art

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