Archaeology Essays

  • Archaeology And Archaeology

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    Archaeology plays a crucial role in the maintenance of cultural heritage and restoration of it to various groups of people around the world. From Native Americans to the Aboriginal people of Australia and the Shona in Zimbabwe, archaeology has strived to maintain and restore heritage that would otherwise be lost to these groups of people. Through archaeology reconstruction and rebuilding of cultural heritage sites can be made, antiquities can provide a gateway to the past, and groups once stripped

  • Archaeology

    813 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archaeology There is a saying that goes: One must first have an understanding of the past in order to proceed into the future. An archaeologist’s job, therefore, is very important because they have the crucial role of interpreting the past through archaeological finds. How does an archaeologist go about doing this? How does he interpret his findings? How are the artifacts that he finds related to the behaviors of past humans? Concepts such as patterning and middle range theory are the main tools

  • Archaeology Analysis

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    Stephen Dean, a British archaeologist, once said, “archaeology is like a jigsaw puzzle, except that you can’t cheat and look at the box, and not all the pieces are there.” What does it really mean to be a professional archaeologist? According to, an archaeologist is “a scientist who studies human history by digging up human remains and artifacts.” But archaeology is a lot more than just digging in the dirt and it has become more precise and detailed than ever before. After Dr. Charles

  • Underwater Archaeology

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    reclaim the land discovered wooden piles along with other prehistoric artefacts, incl... ... middle of paper ... ... Henderson, J.C. 1998. Islets Through Time: The Definition, Dating and Distribution of Scottish Crannogs. The Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 17:2, 227-244. Keller, Ferdinand. 1866. The lake dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Longmans, Green, and Co. London. Menotti, F. 2004. Living on the Lake in Prehistoric Europe: 150 Years of Lake-Dwelling Research. Routledge;

  • A Career in Archaeology

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    pertaining to the workings of past civilizations from the fragments left from inhabitants before. Jobs and work fields have been created to benefit the search for such answers. For instance, Archaeology; Archaeology is a vast field of studies that add up to two things: finding and explaining the unknown. When archaeology is mentioned the mind possibly drifts towards the idea of the well known Indiana Jones, though that is not the case. While on the job archaeologist are not gallivanting off on miraculous

  • The Study of Archaeology

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    According to The Society for American Archaeology, the definition of Archaeology is, “to obtain a chronology of the past, a sequence of events and dates that, in a sense, is a backward extension of history.” The study of ancient civilizations and archaeology is rather ambiguous due to the primitive nature of the time period. With little imagery and even less textual evidence, professionals in the field must work diligently when studying their subjects. Naturally, archaeologists cannot see or communicate

  • Aspects Of Archaeology

    588 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archaeology I believe that Archeology is very intriguing. It is a sub area of anthropology. It is very cool how they find things from millions of years ago. In my attitude if we did not have archeologist I don’t understand if we would understand anything about what dwelled million years before or how their heritage was what they used what they did. personal things help us understand all this. And if people did not gaze for the things where would we be in this day and age. The main point that I am

  • The Misconceptions Of Archaeology

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    encounter the same misconceptions about archaeology from participants of their programs. The educators and museum professionals that responded to the online survey provided similar responses to those of the Penn Museum camp counselors. These were then reinforced by the responses of the campers themselves. The majority of responses to the online survey indicated that these museum professionals believe that fifty percent or fewer of program participants know what archaeology is. The top misconceptions that

  • Representation Of Archaeology

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    Archaeology not only plays a large part within our discovery and understanding of the world, but is widely adapted among popular media; raising the question, is archaeology properly represented? Holtorf et al. states that the masses have found archaeological appeal in their media deriving from idealized clichés, metaphors, and stereotypes, rather than truth and facts (10); drawing incorrect representations of archaeology in the process. Moe et al. insists that ethics are essential when teaching

  • Intensification In Archaeology

    3064 Words  | 7 Pages

    ‘Intensification’ has been a large topic of debate in Australian archaeology. Archaeologists created a model of ‘intensification’ which hypothesises that foraging economies became more specialised, productive and efficient throughout Holocene; essentially a progression of the Pleistocene life (Hiscock, 2008). Others suggested that economic activities have a lengthy time-depth or that more recent economic transformations were not necessarily more efficient nor more sophisticated than those earlier

  • African Archaeology

    2334 Words  | 5 Pages

    1) Metallurgical Origins in Africa Introduction The study of metallurgy in Africa has been dominated by a concern with origins and antiquity. Some Anthropologists believe that African metallurgy was an early, independent invention, while others believe that it was an innovation, which came relatively late, and was a product of diffusion. With these two hypotheses as our only reference points, we are limited in our knowledge of metallurgy as well as its role in the lives of African people. Anthropologists

  • The New Archaeology Movement

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    methodologies, some archaeologists became frustrated with the traditional ways of archaeology; they felt that the new technologies should be used to improve archaeology and the outcomes of professionals in the field. The New Archaeology was a movement that sought to contribute to the existing anthropological knowledge of human behavior by emerging as a science and separating itself from the historical approach. New archaeology did not merely incorporate scientific technology, but it also employed various

  • Archaeology and the Trojan War

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    Archaeology and the Trojan War “… he [Heinrich Schliemann] found layers of ruins … and two bore unmistakable signs of violent destruction. One of these layers, the seventh according to more recent excavators, was no doubt the city of Priam and Hector. The historicity of the Homeric tale had been demonstrated archaeologically.” - M.I. Finley, the World of Odysseus Introduction The Trojan War and its characters are detailed in the writings of Homer, Vergil, Dante and many others. It is a fantastical

  • Archaeology Career Essay

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    work conditions, archaeologists still pursue in this career because they know how important their job is. According to the article "Impact of Archaeological Discoveries on the Understanding of Early Societies",” Throughout history, the field of archaeology has served to maintain a connection between the past and the present, and to highlight the repeating patterns of human civilization”("Impact of Archaeological Discoveries on the Understanding of Early Societies").

  • Imaging Underwater for Archaeology

    578 Words  | 2 Pages

    Singh, Hanumant; Adams, Jonathan; Mindell, David; and Foley, Brendan 2000 Imaging Underwater for Archaeology. Journal of Field Archaeology volume 27 number 3: 319-328. The article by the various authors listed above concentrated on the various techniques that are used to locate and then to excavate these sites. They list and discuss the various techniques that they use. These vary from side-scanning to locate the sites to high resolution video to see how the site appears and the various locations

  • What Is The Context Of Archaeology?

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    An archaeologist’s main concern is the preservation and explanation of artefacts and sites and its archaeological record. The ability to reconstruct the past is a journey to comprehend the ways of life in another time on earth. Archaeologists are the translators of the past through learning and understanding the language with an array of mediums. How Archaeologist achieve this is by establishing context behind these artefacts in order for interpretation. An artefact becomes valueless without its

  • Pursuing A Degree In Biblical Archaeology

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    When people ask me what I am studying, most do not expect the answer, “Archaeology.” This is commonly followed up by a shocked, “Why?” I have always loved history and to be offered the opportunity to make history come alive - that is a dream come true. In April I will graduate from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah with a B.S. in Anthropology and Sociology (double major). As you are probably aware, in the States Archaeology falls under Anthropology. This has exposed me to different and multiple

  • The Role Of Sciences In Archaeology

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    The definition of archaeology is using the information from analysis of artefacts, the excavation of sites and physical remains to study the human prehistory and history (Oxford Living Dictionaries n.d.) which is similar to the definition given by Renfrew and Bahn (2016, p.12) that archaeology is study of the past society and human from their material culture. The book was written by Renfrew and Bahn (2016, p.13) also suggests that archaeology has two perspectives which are history and science. To

  • Mechanics of Experimental Archaeology

    2567 Words  | 6 Pages

    Experimental Archaeology. Experimental Archaeology is a scientific approach to analyzing archaeological data found during excavations. Experimental Archaeologists are grounded in science and work to explain various aspect of the past through physical experimentation being the way of analyzing and interpreting the past. This paper will discuss what Experimental Archaeology is and why it is important to the overall field of archaeology, additionally; it will provide examples of Experimental Archaeology. Experimental

  • Man The Hunter: Feminist Archaeology

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    social sciences, archaeology has also began to ask similar questions of identity. For years, archaeologists have fought the stereotype of "Man the Hunter" to allow for research questions that explore the roles of women. This movement has inspired gender studies within archaeology that analyzes the relationships between men and women in past societies. Feminist archaeology has also emerged from this movement by focusing solely on