Arabian Peninsula Essays

  • The Arabian Peninsula

    1334 Words  | 3 Pages

    Although the Arabian Peninsula is covered in deserts and mountains, such as the Asir Mountains, it served as the birthplace for multiple civilizations. With the use of key geographic features, various groups of people were able the thrive and prevail. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers provided civilizations with a water source and fertile land that allowed for sustenance and an agricultural-based economy. Deserts, like the Syrian Desert, protected the people from invasion and promoted the economy with

  • Arabian Peninsula Research Paper

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Arabian Peninsula contains unknown cultural depth and history. This is proven through recently discovered archeological statues and monuments that uncover civilizations and kingdoms that were not previously known by the general public. It has in fact proven that the Arabian Peninsula has the crossroads of civilizations. Therefore proving the rich and complex history and heritage the Arabian Peninsula carries. The incense trade held an essential role in the early history of the Arabian Peninsula

  • GCC Countries Overview

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

     Qatar Geographical Factors: Qatar is a peninsula bordering the Arabian Gulf and Saudi Arabia. It has a strategic position between the GCC countries, this special location will facilitate the process of exporting and importing and also it will enhance the domestic tourism. Qatar’s total area is 11,586 km² and it mainly relies on oil as a natural resource which means that it has a very good wealth. Demographical Factors: The current population of Qatar is 2,042,444 (77.61% men and 23.89% women).

  • The Spread Of Islam In Arabia Peninsula

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marzia Saramad Miss Kristin H artman Miss Joanne Bretzer History Researches 15/4/2014 What factors allowed the spread of Islam in Arabia Peninsula in past classical period? Arabian Peninsula and Prophet Muhammad are two names which are inseparably linked. When we hear one, we will remember other .Muhammad was born in the Arabian Peninsula and grew up there and saw many difficulties there. He lost her father before ever seeing him then he lost his mother when he was about six and after that he lost

  • Saudi Aramco

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    government bestowed oil concession to California Arabian Standard Oil Company (Chevron). The main factor for this grant was to explore the oil in the eastern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After discovering a huge amount of oil, part of the grant was sold to other American oil companies in order to cooperate with each other to do more exploration and to deal with such a big job. In 1948, all these American companies were incorporated into Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) shared 50% of its

  • The Use of Drones in Operation Copper Dune

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Where do you think Al Qaeda operates, most people just think about Afghanistan and Pakistan? There is also Al Qaeda operatives working in the Arabian Peninsula as well, and is where Operation Copper Dune is being conducted. This operation is being conducted in a very new way of military occupation with not as many soldiers but there are many Predator drone aircraft conducting operations in the area, along with Yemen. The operation encompasses strategic placement of the base, personnel, and aircraft

  • Analysis Of Tribalism

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    variations in Egyptian tribes is because almost all the tribe in the country trace their roots back to Arabian Peninsula, especially with Amr ibn al-As after the Islamic conquest of the Nile valley in 641 BC (The Danish Egypt Dialogue Institute, 2014) In some areas especially in the Northern Egypt, various other groups considered to be minorities associated with other origins apart from Arabian Peninsula also exists, but discrimination against such groups is very minimal as compared to Yemen, where

  • The Saudi Arabian Culture

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Being Saudi Arabian is to be faithful and authentic to one important religion symbol of Islam which is being believer of Allah but no one else and being the believer that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, which is considered very essential aspect of the culture. Saudi Arabians are the people who have strong affiliation and loyalty to the authentic, generous, wise Arab tribes who settled in the Arabian Peninsula many years ago. In addition, being Saudi Arabian represents being loyal to the country

  • The Middle East : A Place Of Conflict

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    friction among the religions. When World War I broke out the Ottoman Empire joined the central powers and when the central powers lost, the Ottoman Empire was divided by the allies. The only place that would not be controlled by the allies was the Arabian peninsula, which wa... ... middle of paper ... ...y kept they language and culture, which is Turkish. The Turks did not rule the Middle East forever, as I stated before, they lost control of them and after the World War I the Turks only kept Asia Minor

  • Spread Of Islam Research Paper

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the eve of Arabians' conquers, their destinations were the countries, which were living the degradation periods. Middle Eastern countries stood among such kind of countries. Wars between Byzantine and Sasanian Empires, and abusing of valuable sources made Middle East powerless. Arabians prefer to change politically and religiously less organized societies (Lapidus I 2002). Therefore, Arabians choose to conquer new places and spread Islam religion among new places. Islam came Middle East with Arab’s

  • Spread Of Islam Research Paper

    578 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Spread of Islam Like a rumor, Islam spread quickly throughout the Arabian Peninsula. In fact, cultural diffusion has happened throughout history and is happening today. Whether it’s a food, a song, or a religion- a new event or idea is usually transported from one place to the other (Hook exercise). Furthermore, Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula, during the early 6th century CE. During 610 CE, a local merchant named Muhammad made one of his frequent visits to a cave on nearby Mount Hira.

  • History And Culture Of The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE), is a country that over a decade expanded exponentially. When it first started, UAE was a group of small tribes that made its living off of fishing, pearling, and goat herding. Now it is home to some of the largest monuments in the Middle East and its citizens are some of the wealthiest people on earth (About the UAE, 2016). Much of that has to do with the unique history and culture of the UAE. Much of the country’s success has to do with the unique physical environment

  • The Arab Gulf States

    1023 Words  | 3 Pages

    Arabian Gulf or the Persian Gulf: is the arm of the Arabian Sea, extending from Gulf of Oman in the south to along the Shatt-AL Arab in the north. Its length around 965 km from Shatt-Al Arab to the Hormuz fjord, which links it in the Gulf of Oman. The area of the Arabian Gulf approximately 233 100 km², and varies in width between a maximum of about 370 km to a minimum of 55 km in the Hormuz fjord. A maximum depth of the Arabian Gulf is 90 m. The gulf separates the Arabian Peninsula and south-western

  • Case Study: NARS Cosmetic

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    customers about the shipping; shipment arrived incomplete; the shipment was delayed, these problems will It is bordered by Iraq and Jordan on the north, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates on the east, Oman and Yemen on the south. The Arabian Gulf Sea surrounded from the east and the Red Sea from the west. Saudi Arabia is a traditional monarchy. Al Saud dynasty is a royal family of the kingdom. The population of the kingdom was estimated to be 29,369,428 in 2014 - the 43rd largest in the

  • Islam State and Empire

    1237 Words  | 3 Pages

    the Islamic state and empire. From the beginning, Islam existed and spread as a community-state which, consisted of both a faith and political order. Islam was established within the Arabian peninsula, which is an area occupied by pastoral nomads, and on the periphery of the civilized zones. Much of the peninsula is desert, which supported both goat and camel nomadism among peoples called Bedouin. The tribal culture of the Bedouin provided a critical backdrop for the emergence of Islam. The basic

  • Environmental Policies and Yemen's Water Crisis

    1067 Words  | 3 Pages

    Yemen, officially known now as “The Republic of Yemen,” is an Arab country located in the Middle East, taking up the southwestern to southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the red sea, as well as located south of Saudi Arabia and west of Oman. Yemen is the second largest country in the Arabian Peninsula, with a population of nearly 20 million people, and an annual population growth rate of around 3 percent. In 1918, northern Yemen became independent of

  • Houthi Movement in Yemen

    1544 Words  | 4 Pages

    Armies of Liberation. Retrieved from Armies of Liberation: Peterson, J. (2008, December). Arabian Peninsula Background Notes. Retrieved from Arabian Peninsula Background Notes: Wells, M. (2012, February 27). Yemen's Houthi Movement and the revolution . Retrieved from Yemen's

  • Saudi Arabian Justice System is Based on Islamic Law from the Quran

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    Saudi Arabia justice system is based on Sharia and Islamic law from the Quran and the Sunnah, which are the Muslim traditions formed from Islamic prophet Muhammad. Sharia has been adopted by Saudi Arabia in an unmodified method. The Saudi court system was created by King Abdul Aziz who founded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia back in 1932, the kingdom was introduced to the country between 1927 and 1960. The Saudi Arabia first criminal method was issued in 2001, decisions are made without juries and usually

  • Saudi Arabia: A Brief History

    1812 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Saudi Arabia: Brief history of Saudi Arabia and its society The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest countries in the Middle East. It occupies the Arabian Peninsula in the southwest of Asia. It is bounded by the Arabian Gulf, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates to the East; Yemen and Oman on the South; Red Sea and Gulf of Al-Aqaba to the West; and Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait to the North. Its area is about 2,240,000 square kilometers and has a population of seventeen million people according

  • The Importance of Women's Rights in Arabia with the Birth of Islam

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    pre-Islamic Arabian women to the early Islamic Arabian women. The Arabian peninsula which was mainly the center of spreading Islam is an arid place for survival. The Arabian people used to live within their clans where they belonged to from birth. Particularly, the Bedouin (nomadic group) culture evolved from this area and everyone had to be loyal to their tribal groups (Bedouin clan). Their lifestyle mainly depended on agriculture and camel and goat herding. Though it was always hard for Arabian Bedouins