Analysis Of Tribalism

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4.3 Analysis of Egypt; a country with low tribalism Just as other countries, tribal constructs in Egypt are essential layers in the country’s social and political climate. As observed in Yemen, tribal features have had significant influence and decisive effect on the outcome of elections. Despite tribes being the central drive for political operations and processes in Egypt, the country has minimal issues of extreme tribalism. The Egyptian political culture is inseparable from its tribe. The Egyptian tribes entail large extended families composed of small sub-groups which are often distinct politically but not socially or culturally from their neighbors (Coffman, 2013). The little socio-cultural variations in Egyptian tribes is because almost all the tribe in the country trace their roots back to Arabian Peninsula, especially with Amr ibn al-As after the Islamic conquest of the Nile valley in 641 BC (The Danish Egypt Dialogue Institute, 2014) In some areas especially in the Northern Egypt, various other groups considered to be minorities associated with other origins apart from Arabian Peninsula also exists, but discrimination against such groups is very minimal as compared to Yemen, where Ethnic and religious minorities are considered to be ‘Occupiers’ who brings a new identity for the Yemen people, the decedents of the family of prophet Muhammad. Based on a study by Al-Qassemi (2013), unlike in Yemen where social identity and size of tribe is essential, the Egyptian tribes are often divided in two smaller subgroups or segments, whereby these small groups act as separate entities. This greatly reduces the political power and authority of large tribal groups thereby, minimizing tribalism in the country significan... ... middle of paper ... ...ribe has no stressed importance in the society Finally, what make a candidate in the Egyptian political system are merely tribal structure and policies but the candidate’s ability and his supporters to arrange for political alliances between and within sub groups and entire tribes. According to Almonitor Magazine (2014), this is achieved through appeal to solidarity by the members of the society that is expressed though togetherness as a result o shared common ancestry and origin in the Arabian Peninsula. Such an aspect paves way for new democratic ideas and political reforms in the Egyptian civil society. However, it is equally important for a candidate to familiarize and know the local tribal map of the country before entering the political arena, as it gives the candidate profound grounds and a better understanding of the kind of people he or she is dealing with

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