Ape Theory Essays

  • Savanna Theory Versus Aquatic Ape Theory of Human Evolution

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    Savanna Theory Versus Aquatic Ape Theory of Human Evolution The evolution of man is constantly in question. While we are reasonably sure that modern humans and primates are both related to the same common ancestor, there is constant debate over what initially caused the two species to split into early hominids and apes. According to some, our longest and most popular theory on the division of man and ape is profoundly wrong. However, those same individuals usually offer an equally controversial

  • The Aquatic Ape Theory

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    ago in Africa, a man/ape primate ventured about in the wooded areas. (Morgan, 1982) “My thesis is that a branch of this primitive ape-stock was forced by competition from life in the trees to feed on the sea-shores and to hunt for food, shellfish, sea-urchins etc.”, quoted from Alister Hardy. For the need of food, shelter, space, and resources, the hominid relocated from its traditional environment of the tree, toward water. As evident today, many species of monkeys and apes seek these resources

  • Aquatic Ape Theory Essay

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    The Aquatic Ape theory surfaced in the 1930s when biologist Alister Hardy began to pay attention to how similar humans are to aquatic mammals. While the theory is believed by a large group of people, it also received a great amount of criticism. When researching arguments from both sides of the hypothesis, I came to the conclusion that there are multiple valid points to the concept, but I am neutral to it because of the arguments from the opposing side According to Brian Dunning’s podcast, humans

  • Human Evolution

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    human beings. Humans evolved from apes because of their similarities. This can be shown in the evidence that humans had a decrease in the size of the face and teeth that evolved. Early humans are classified in ten different types of families. Creationists believe that humans were always humans. Humans are classified in the mammalian family Primates. In this arrangement, humans, along with our extinct close ancestors, and our nearest living relatives, the African apes, are sometimes placed together in

  • Analysis Of Common Ground By Barbara Smuts

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    Smuts, points out the main differences between humans and apes, such as our upright stance, large brains, and capacity for spoken language and abstract reasoning. However, the main point of this article is to emphasize the many similarities that apes share with us. Smuts goes into great detail about how human social and emotional tendencies are very reflective in the family of apes. The idea that humans could possibly have evolved from apes was thought impossible until about 150 years. Charles Darwin

  • extinction of great apes

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    The great apes are humankind’s closest relatives. Great apes include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonobos, which are also known as pygmy chimps. At the turn of the century, there were approximately one million chimpanzees in Africa. This number has declined down to 150,000. Mountain gorillas have halved in size over the last ten years, leaving only 320 to roam the trees of their homeland. Some say these great apes will face extinction within a decade. Why is this the case and should we

  • Argumentative Essay: Apes Having Equal Rights

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    Apes Having Equal Rights Primatologist Frans de Waal of Emory University, says, “I do think we have special obligations to the great apes as our closest relatives, but if we give rights to apes, what would be the compelling reason not to give rights to monkeys, dogs, rats, and so on?” All animals should have rights but it needs to be kept clearly in mind, that apes are what we, as humans, have descended from. They are our true parents, therefore one would do all they can to help protect their

  • The Pros And Cons Of Nonhuman Primates

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    Back in the 1850s, Charles Darwin proposed a theory suggesting animals be an appropriate model to facilitate more accurate biological understandings for the human race. Since then, nonhuman primates, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, etc. have been tested on in laboratories in the hope of gaining a better knowledge of the human body. With that being said, many arguments have risen in relationship to this topic. Some of which claim to be the advances in medicine that have occurred since animal

  • Apes Essay

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    From Apes to Humans? Not Likely The claim being addressed is, “If we descended from apes, why are there still apes around?” Enough has been learned this year in order to refute this claim. “Archeologists estimate that modern humans have been on the Earth for about 200,000 years.” So if we came from apes, why are we coexisting today? Talk Origins likens this question to “if Americans and Australians descended from Europeans, why are there still Europeans around?” We did not simply start out as

  • Characteristics Of Bipedalism

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    Two of the most distinct features that separate humans from the other great apes are bipedalism and large brain in relation to body size. But how did these features become so prominent in humans? Approximately 6-7million years ago, the hominid lineage began to diverge from the other great ape species. Tracing the evolutionary history through fossil evidence explains how early hominids evolved to become today’s most prolific primate species. The goal of this paper is to discuss the physical characteristics

  • Primate Intelligence: Apes

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    Monkey see, monkey do. Apes have always been thought to have an increased level of intelligence. Over the years, researchers have attempted to understand the degree of intelligence these primates possess. However, it is essential to understand the definition of intelligence in order to determine the amount of intelligence primates have. Intelligence is the capability of obtaining knowledge and being able to utilize it in everyday situations. There are many hypotheses that focus on the evolution of

  • Extinct Great Apes

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    Inferring Dentition and Diet in Extinct Great Apes by Looking at Extant Great Apes INTRODUCTION Knowing the diet of extant primate taxon opens up the possibility of predicting a good deal about its morphology and natural history. Morphology and natural history of extant primates is also important in making accurate inferences regarding their dentition and diet. However, when it comes to extinct primate taxon making dentition and dietary inferences are challenging and the evidence available

  • Behavioral Differences Between Chimpanzees and Bonobos

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    have been depicted as the ‘‘creator of love, but not a war’’ ape, categorized by female power-sharing, a deficiency of hostility between either characters or groups, expounded sexual behavior that happens without the restraint of a thin window of fruitfulness, and the usage of sex for communicative determinations. This paper evaluates the indication for this contrast and reflects the reasons that distinct portrayals of the two great apes have advanced. While there are noticeable by differences

  • Descartes Man vs Animal

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    Movies and novels such as “Planet of the Apes” and 2001: A Space Odyssey are called Science Fiction because they portray situations that seem extremely unrealistic concurrent with contemporary philosophy. “Planet of the Apes” depicts a world where apes rule while humans are subjected to servitude and confinement. These apes speak intelligibly and are human-like in appearance and behavior. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the highly advanced computer, HAL 9000, an acronym for “Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic

  • Primate Communication

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    Monkeys and humans have been compared for years, “we have all heard the expression monkey see, monkey do. But should the saying really go monkey hear, monkey do?” (Sakrison) Recent studies are finding that the language abilities of some monkeys are more sophisticated than we ever thought possible (Sakrison). Monkeys often always live together in social groups. And each member contribute by helping to defend their food sources, watch for predators, and even raise each other’s young. Is it impossible

  • Sara Gruen's Ape House

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    Ape house by Sara Gruen is a unique book that incorporates humor with fictional events, based on real research. Originally published in 2010, Ape house is “a tale that’s full of heart, hope, and compelling questions about who we really are” (Redbook). Apes capable of communication don’t fail to entertain. When the bonobo apes are in danger, two very different characters unite to save them. Isabel Duncan has always had a deeper connection to her bonobo family, a group of apes that can understand

  • Do Primates Posses Culture?

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    learned behavior, than it is reasonable to say that primates posses a form of culture. Primates have been observed making tools to aid in collecting food and developing communication system, both of which are learned behaviors. It is common in monkeys, apes and humans that behavior and social organization aren’t necessarily programmed into the genes. There have been several cases where an entire troop has learned from the experiences of just a few. In a group of Japanese macaques, for example, a three-year-old

  • Bigfoot Essay

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    Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch is a large, hairy, muscular, ape-like creature that somewhat looks like a human being. While the idea of a real Bigfoot is pretty unconvincing, the stories have caught on. It’s unlikely the idea of Bigfoot will fade any time soon. Even though there is not plenty of evidence for Bigfoot’s existence It’s just a matter of time when they decide to show themselves to the people, that’s why I’ll be preparing you for when that time comes by describing to you their traits

  • Chimpanzees: The Dangers Of Animals In The World

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    There are many animals in the world. Even we don’t know the exact number of them. Recently, it’s difficult to find some species because they already threaten and most of them become extinct. We can’t find the great ape called chimpanzees easily in the Africa forest. The largest population of chimpanzees are in central Africa, mainly Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Cameroon. It’s about 150,000 to 250,000 individuals (WWF,n.d). Their population keeps decreasing rapidly each year. Although

  • The Aye Observation

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    I have read that the aye aye is a lemur that is found inhabited in the rain forests of madagascar. There is one set of species that is this type, its habitat is very dense and very dry. The aye aye is closely related to the lemur species their colors are brown and sandy white, and they are very ugly. It spends most of all its life living high in the trees. The male aye ayes climb high up the trees and cover 4km at night because they search for food. Whenever the aye aye was first discovered, it