Primate Intelligence: Apes

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Monkey see, monkey do. Apes have always been thought to have an increased level of intelligence. Over the years, researchers have attempted to understand the degree of intelligence these primates possess. However, it is essential to understand the definition of intelligence in order to determine the amount of intelligence primates have. Intelligence is the capability of obtaining knowledge and being able to utilize it in everyday situations. There are many hypotheses that focus on the evolution of intelligence in primates that view a number of factors including brain size and modernism. Primate intelligence has been a topic of interest to many because it will allow us to further understand the close relationship between humans and primates. Additionally, we will be able to understand the difference between human and primate cognition. Some studies suggest that the human and primate brains possess many similarities. This demonstrates why primates tend to respond to stimuli in a manner that is closely related to humans. Researchers have conducted a number of studies in an effort to understand primate cognition. Apes have over and over again surpassed other primates in comprehension tests carried out in the laboratory. They are capable of reacting to stimuli in an appropriate manner. Researchers have measured intelligence in primates in a number of situations in an effort to determine the level of cognition these primates possess. Russon and Begun, researchers who have explored ape intelligence state, “In the physical domain, great apes do use tools in ways that require their grade of cognition but they devise equally complex manual techniques and solve equally complex spatial problems” (Russon and Begun 2004). Apes have the abilit... ... middle of paper ... ...nd Comparative Psychology. N.p., 2007. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. Byrne, R. W. (1997). The technical intelligence hypothesis: an alternative evolutionary stimulus to intelligence? In Machiavellian Intelligence II: Extensions and Evaluations, ed. R. W. Byrne & A. Whiten, pp. 289–311. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Gibson, K. R. (1990). New perspectives on instincts and intelligence: brain size and the emergence of hierarchical mental construction skills. In, “Language” and Intelligence in Monkeys and Apes: Comparative Developmental Perspectives, ed. S. T. Parker & K. R. Gibson, pp. 97–128. New York: Cambridge University Press. Langer, J. (1996). Heterochrony and the evolution of primate cognitive development. In Reaching into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes, ed. A. E. Russon, K. A. Bard & S. T. Parker, pp. 257–77. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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