Argumentative Essay: Apes Having Equal Rights

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Apes Having Equal Rights Primatologist Frans de Waal of Emory University, says, “I do think we have special obligations to the great apes as our closest relatives, but if we give rights to apes, what would be the compelling reason not to give rights to monkeys, dogs, rats, and so on?” All animals should have rights but it needs to be kept clearly in mind, that apes are what we, as humans, have descended from. They are our true parents, therefore one would do all they can to help protect their parents. The same needs to be done to ours. Apes are the reason we are here, why our parents are here, along with grandparents, and the rest of our loved ones and as our ancestors, they need our protection. What kind of children would it make us if …show more content…

That is saying you threw away a homemade crunch wrap supreme because it not only taste exactly the same but also, did not look like the wraps at Taco Bell. That makes one look ungrateful, did not realize that your mom took the time to make it as close as she can use the ones at Taco bell taste like. This is the exact same thing we do with our ape parents, they play a big role in why we exist today. We do not want to hurt nor harm the creatures who are responsible for us humans, so why not protect them to allow them to live a good life, as they gave to us. An Australian philosopher and the head of GAP (Great Apes Project), Peter Singer, established this organization to help protect primates whom in some way, shape or form are related to the humanities. Experiments have been ongoing with apes and new theories being tested on them more frequently should not be allowed. By standing up for the creature who has a big effect on our lives says a lot. It a small step for man, but an even bigger step for mankind to protecting our …show more content…

This concept is uniquely, and exclusively, human -- man is the only being capable of grasping such an abstraction, understanding his actions within a principled framework and adjusting his behavior so as not to violate the rights of others.” Many people agree and say apes do not apply to this concept, but apes do understand this “complex” concept. This is so because they live with other ape families. We all know how men are, they all want to be master chief, man of the house, etc. but this is how primates have control over their families. One ape is headmaster and all the others follow as he says or there will major punishments to come. This is how our society runs as well, we have a President and if he passes laws, we have to follow them or there will be consequences. They do know what to do to keep off of Kerchak bad side. So if these creatures already know right from wrong from their living standards, how could they not be qualified for understanding their actions and the reactions from those acts? In conclusion of the argument made why primates, apes, should have equal rights as humans because they almost exactly the same as humans, but because we descended from them as well. We should not let habitat differences, we should not let hair differences, we should not let eating differences, we should not let physical differences be the only

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