Why People Should Not Hunt Research Paper

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The topic of hunting has always been filled with controversy, excitement and trepidation for the environment. Both sides have varies ideas as to what is wrong and right. I realize that many people do not understand why people have to hunt or why people do hunt. One of the questions that kept coming to mind is why so many people are against hunting when their ancestors hunted and without hunting many of them would not be alive today. This question is relevant because many people are becoming to be worried that animals are in pain when being hunted and that it is unfair for people to hunt selfless animals with modern weaponry, and with many people going against the right to own guns. I started my research by looking for information that would …show more content…

In the article hunting myths they go over some of the myths and misunderstands that people who do not hunt think about hunters. They go over why hunting is so appealing, one of the things they say is it is a personal madder it is something that that persons family has done and is a tradition that had been passed down, it is a time to enjoy the companies of loved ones without distractions. hunters are not being cruel to animals, they say most animals don 't pass away in comfort and are in pain for endless hours and days, a bullet or arrow is a much better death then being through the pain of dying for days on end, hunters don do favors by killing them but what they are doing is not unnaturally cruel. Hunters are not using tax pays money who do not hunt, most of the money paid to conserve hunting is done by taxes on hunting equipment and individuals. They also discuss “Hunters are not harming wildlife populations” and “Hunters are not dangerous, inept, or trigger-happy.” One thing that i believe in 100 percent is “Why someone hunts is a personal matter. Many do it to spend time outdoors with friends or family. Others hunt to continue a tradition

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