The Four Patterns Of Knowing In Nursing

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The four Patterns of Knowing are aspects that are essential to become a well-rounded nurse. The first Pattern of Knowing is empirical. Empirical knowing is the science of nursing. Having the empirical background is essential to be able to know the basics on how to perform tasks such as take patients blood pressure, draw blood or check their heart rate. The second Pattern of Knowing is ethical. Having a good ethical conscious means that u try and do the right thing and follow the rules that are regulated to be a nurse. Without having the ethical side as a nurse, it would be easy to do whatever you feel like and easier to break the rules. The third Pattern of Knowing is aesthetic. Having an Aesthetic pattern of knowing means that you have
In my IPE class I am volunteering at Martin Luther Campus doing the ambulatory program. I know that by seeing my resident every Monday it will help to improve on all four of these concepts. I have the empirical Pattern of Knowing covered by the training they gave us in order to be able to walk the residents correctly using a gait belt. The ethical Pattern of Knowing is something that I morally have a start on, but I will improve on as I continue to work with my resident in the home, and throughout the nursing classes learning about the rules and regulations involved in being a nurse. The aesthetic Pattern of Knowing is something that I think I will work on for as long as I am in the nursing program, and once I become a nurse. Trying to figure out how to make a connection and have a trusting relationship with my resident at Martin Luther Campus will help me immensely to practice and get used to helping people. Finally, the personal knowledge will come when I become more confortable with myself and with the knowledge that I am receiving in my classes and clinical

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