The Big Bang Theory: The Most Popular Theory Of The Big Bang Theory

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Theory of The Big Bang
The big bang theory is known as the most popular theory of how our universe came to be. It isn’t the only theory ever proposed but it is the most recognized because it seems to make the most sense. It takes into consideration other theories that help explain different aspects of the overall theory. It doesn’t just explain how the universe came into existence, it also offers an explanation of everything inside of it.
The theory really starts by saying there was nothing and then there was something, this is because it is really unknown what existed before. Versions of the theory suggest that the mass known as the universe came from space. Some experts disagree that the mass came from space because they believe that space …show more content…

Some experts believe that there was an explosion that caused the mass to be thrown out into space like the name of the theory suggests, big bang. There are versions of this idea that theorize the blast occurred from some type of ancient unknown energy. Others believe that since there wasn’t anything that existed before the big bang there couldn’t possibly have been an explosion and that the mass just appeared. This too is another unanswered question in the theory of the big bang that will remain unanswered because we cannot prove or disprove any of …show more content…

Some scientific experts take the expansion theory yet another step further. They believe that galaxies go through a series of expansion and compression rather than a onetime occurrence of expansion. It is proposed that we are in the middle of an expansion phase right now. If this is true then there will be a time when the universe compresses back to its original state. There has yet to be proof of this theory because we haven’t experienced any signs of our galaxy compressing.
The expansion mentioned in the big bang theory can also suggest that there are other universes in existence. Physicists believe that when the small mass known as the beginning of the universe began to expand, it could have done so in such a rapid way with such force that it let off different sections. These sections are thought to have potentially grown at different rates, causing a difference in time and space. These differences could result in other universes with completely different traits than ours. Although more research needs to be done, physicists feel very strongly on their theory of a

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