Compare And Contrast Marlart Mill And Karl Marx

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The theories of John Stewart Mill and Karl Marx, although vastly different, share the main idea of utilitarianism in the most basic sense. Utilitarianism promotes the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Both philosophers believed that the people should be empowered when it came to the governing of society, and that the greatest threat to society is oppression.
Somewhat like Mill, Marx’s idea of communism states that women and children will be relieved of their lives as “simple articles of commerce…[and] mere instruments of production” (Marx 173), and be given more freedoms under his political ideology. Despite these few similarities, the principles of Marx and Mill could not be any more different. As part of The Communist Manifesto, …show more content…

His ideal society is that of conformists, one where the government controls every aspect of a citizen’s life. For instance, Marx assumes that the only way to diminish the unequal distribution of wealth is to abolish private property and make everything government owned. Under the communist rule, the following measures will be enacted: abolition and confiscation of all property from every person, a graduated income tax, abolition of inheritance rights, the unification of agriculture and manufacturing, free education, eliminating the distinction between urban and rural areas, and forced labor for all citizens; the following industries will be entirely government owned and operated: the economy, communication systems, agriculture, manufacturing, education, military, and basically everything else (Marx 176). His rational behind this is that private property is out of reach from the majority of the current society and the reason for that is because the minority holds control of it; “private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths” (Marx 171). It is obvious that Marx has no assurance for individual freedoms in his ideal society, which is vital component in Mill’s ideology. Mill believes that the government should be as least intrusive as possible when it comes to the running of society. He argues that the best form of government allows the people to act freely, based on their own accord, as long as their actions do not directly harm or infringe upon another persons liberties; “The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others” (Mill 6). By allowing for complete individual sovereignty, Mill promotes the general progress of society and the free movement of ideas. Unlike how Marx calls for

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