The Boston Massacre

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Throughout history, events are sparked by something, which causes emotions to rise and tensions to come to a breaking point. The Boston Massacre was no exception; America was feeling the pressure of the British and was ready to break away from the rule. However, this separation between these two parties would not come without bloodshed on both sides. The British did not feel the American had the right to separate them from under British rule, but the Americans were tired of their taxes and rules being placed upon them and wanted to succeed from their political tyrants. The Boston Massacre would be the vocal point in what would be recognized, as the Revolutionary War in American history and the first place lives would be lost for the cost of liberty. Even though the lives were lost that day, eight British soldiers were mendaciously accused of murder when it was clearly self-defense. People who are placed in a situation where their lives are threatened have the right to defend themselves. History does not have the right to accuse any one event those history may have considered the enemy guilty when they are fighting for their lives.

On March 5, 1770, five colonists lost their lives in what American history would deem their fight for liberty; however, several British soldiers were placed on trial for murder when they were only fighting for their lives against an anger mob. John Adams, who would become our second president, defended these soldiers in an attempted to prove their innocents. The trial was held on American soil and the outcome did not fare well for the British soldiers. Adams was able to keep them from receiving the death penalty, however both soldiers were “branded” for life as murders. Boston was a cauldro...

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Works Cited

Bowden, Catherine Drinker, John Adams and the American Revolution. Boston: The Little, Brown and Company, 1949.

Trevelyan, George Otto. The American Revolution, New York: David McKay Company Inc. 1964.

Starr, Chester G., Nowell, Charles E., Lyon Bryce, Stearns, Raymond P., Hamerow Theordore S. A History of the World: Volume II- 1500 to Present. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1960.

Flexner, James Thomas. George Washington: The Forge of Experience 1732-1775: Boston, Toronto. Little, Brown and Company. 1965.

Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston Massacre. New York: Joel Munsell, 1870.

Emmons, William. The Trial of the British Soldiers. Boston: 1824

Beier, Anne. Cripus Attackus: Hero of the Boston Massacre. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2004.

Town of Boston. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston. Massachusetts 1770

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