Essay On I Want To Be A Teacher

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Choosing the teaching profession is not for the faint of heart and is not a decision that should be made lightly. Being a teacher is a selfless profession. A person has to have a calling to teach and the desire to improve upon the education system. I have made a choice to be a teacher and by doing so I have chosen to make a difference in children’s lives. I want to be a teacher who provides my students a good foundation at the start of their educational journey. A good teacher can encourage a discouraged child, can provide positive reinforcement and can make a lasting impression on a child. The purposes of education are to provide every child, regardless of their socioeconomic status, an opportunity to gain the knowledge necessary to be successful in life. An important part of being a teacher is having compassion for the students they teach. Not all children come from …show more content…

Those who choose to be a teacher accept that they are always under scrutiny. They are expected to do the right thing in all aspects of their lives. As a teacher I will be responsible for making sure that my students have a positive and top quality educational experience while in my classroom. Students spend the majority of their time with their teachers and as such teachers are extremely influential in the molding of young students. Students learn from what they see and if they observe a teacher who has little integrity then they will assume that it is alright to not live up to their word or keep promises. As a future teacher, it is important to set integrity standards for my classroom. I will make sure that cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating is not honest and it deems the student untrustworthy. I will make sure that my students know that they are to be respectful of others as well as honest with themselves and with me and that they are responsible for their actions while in my

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