Confessions Of Elementary Education

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Teaching is one of the most well-known professions all around the world. However, it is also extremely underestimated, especially when it comes to teaching elementary school students. Jenny Peters, writer of the article Confessions of An Elementary School Teacher, observes that it is indeed a “challenging career” that in the end has “immeasurable rewards” (1). However, no matter what you have to do, it seems as though those rewards overrule anything and everything as long as your heart is in it, not only for the students, but for the drive to teach them and lead them to bigger and brighter futures. It’s hard to believe how long elementary school teaching was around before most people even knew what it was or what to call it exactly. It all started with European settlers back in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when they came to the North American colonies and created their own schooling systems that were based off of your wealth and social status. Those who could afford the better education were sent to preparatory schools, known today as private schools, while those who couldn’t were sent to the basic vernacular schools, known today as public schools. However, during this time, primary schooling (elementary) was strictly under the control of the church and only offered what they considered a basic curriculum which consisted of reading, writing, and of course, religion. These restrictions varied among the rest of the colonies such as in the Middle Atlantic colonies they were keener on education and seeing that most people got some whereas in the southern colonies only wealthy classes could pay for private tutors for their children while slaves were forbidden from learning to read or write. It wasn’t until the mid-1800s tha... ... middle of paper ... the patience and responsibility that is required when taking care of other people’s children and making sure that they leave in one piece day after day. Elementary school teachers aren’t given nearly as much credit as they deserve because they do have a lot on their plate. Middle school and high school teachers do have a lot more work to grade and in greater detail, but they also teach students that are capable of taking care of themselves whereas students in elementary school are not and need to be guided and taught in a way that will launch them on a good path when leaving elementary school. I want to be the one who creates curriculums, gives them time to play, organizes fun activities, and teaches reading and writing basics to the new generations. Being an elementary school teacher is not just a job, it is a duty, responsibility, and in my eyes, a luxury.

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