Compare And Contrast Social Darwinism Relates To The Harvest Video

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a. Social Darwinism/ pg. 9: “Survival of the fittest”; a society’s most capable and intelligent members (“the fittest”) survive, while the less capable die out. These fittest members produce a more advanced society. Social Darwinism or “Survival of the fittest” relates to The Harvest video because the migrants aren’t part of society’s ”most capable or intelligent members.” Even though they aren’t “dying off” they are struggling to survive in the sense that they barely are making any money to be able to afford to live comfortably. They aren’t even making a fair wage for the work that they are doing. Instead of being paid minimum wage or by hour they get paid by the amount they get harvested in a day. That alone makes living hard because they …show more content…

Generalization relates to the harvest families because anyone from South America is just classified as “Mexican,” which is a generalization. These families are generalized as immigrants who have low levels of education due to their lack of time to get a good education and that causes them to get paid very little for the hard, strenuous work they do. I don’t think that Americans really take the time to get to know the migrants and then they just classify them as the stereotypes they have come to know about “Mexican” immigrants. For example: that they are taking our jobs, but are they really taking our jobs? None of the American people are going to be satisfied with working out in a field all day to make less than minimum wage. The migrants really don’t have a choice because they moved to the United States to have a better life with more opportunities, but they can’t take any of these opportunities until they have a stable living. Yet, they barely make enough to support their families and they are doing jobs that no one else is going to want to do. The migrant families are also generalized as being illegal immigrants because people always just assume that because of their skin color or the fact that they speak Spanish they are here illegally. I think due to the amount of illegal immigrants we have in the United States people automatically assume that about all immigrants. Even though, all the migrant families in the harvest film were here legally and struggled to do so. For example: the boys’ two sisters were just allowed into the United States and just moved with the rest of their family to help them with the harvest.

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