Why Do People Commit Suicide Essay

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There are many reasons that people consider suicide. They may be looking to block unbearable emotional pain, which causes a wide variety of problems. A person attempting suicide is often depressed that they are incapable of understanding their options. Suicidal thoughts develop frequently when a person believes they cannot cope with overwhelming life situations. A variety of factors contribute to the rising of deathly suicide in American, including mental illness and interactions with significant others.
A contribution to the suicide rate is the actions people display towards a suicide victim. This issue is a highly significant risk factor in regards to a person may display towards suicide. Monique Seguin presents a study with family …show more content…

Suresh believes the reason people commit suicide is due to the lack of sensitization. Signs of depression are one of the many dangers a person may commit suicide. Physicians are not providing and assisting those with mental illnesses. Ninety percent of those who commit suicide experience mental illnesses, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Suicide is the most common death in the United States because of this issue with mental illnesses. Furthermore, mental illnesses not only causes suicide, but also with a significant role of others.
Suicide is becoming the most common death in the United States. According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide is ranked as the tenth most common death in the United States. Further, 42,773 people in the United States have committed suicide. A number of psychological states increase the risk of suicide (i.e., hopelessness, loss of pleasure in life, and depression). Depression and substance abuse are the most common effects of a suicidal death.
The feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that accompany depression can fuel a downward spiral of health and self-esteem, which can have potentially deadly results: In one study of teenage suicides, 60 to 70 percent of the teenagers had been diagnosed with a depressive illness prior to their deaths. An alarming 90 percent of the sample had some form of psychiatric diagnosis -- depression, mood disorder, or substance abuse

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