What Are The Four Stages Of Cognitive Development

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Piaget outlined and came to the conclusion that there are four stages to a child’s cognitive development. These four separate stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. During this paper, I will break down each stage into more depth and give a teaching tool for children in that age group and developmental stage to help them better understand the concept of time and explain why it would be helpful for the child. Stage one is the sensorimotor which lasts from a child’s birth until they are about two years old. This is the first stage of a child’s mental development which primarily involves sensation and motor skills such as seeing and hearing. Initially, infant’s primarily have natural reflexes and by the end of this stage they are able to start understanding what those reflexes and their own natural stimuli mean and also start acquiring language skills. This …show more content…

They understand that there is structure in the day and that certain events happen every day like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. An activity that could better help a child in the operational stage would be giving them blank paper plates and showing them how to draw clocks with different times on them that are represent their daily important events. You could also make a book out of these paper plates with a brass fastener and make sure that it is chronological order. Whenever children do this learning tool, they become of their own schedule are also able to learn how to read an analog clock. I feel that reading an analog clock has become less popular to teach since technology has become such a big part of this generation’s life but I feel that knowing how to read an analog clock is extremely important for everyone to know. So, this teaching tool allows children to learn how to tell time and also know how to read an analog

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