Importance Of Spanking Essay

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Spanking as a form of discipline. Yes or no?

Discipline is known for training one to obey the rules of behavior by using punishment or correct disobedience. There are many forms of discipline to talk about, and usually someone would say spanking is the best way to discipline a child. On the contrary, spanking is not a form of discipline, but more of an abuse. Parents have to realize that they will need to discipline their children for many years furthermore, spanking should not be part of the discipline. Spanking can be the reason for many things such as, children’s harmful mental health, abusive relationship with their parents or guardian and also the reason they have bad long term effects. Children 's mental health is the most important aspect of any child’s social and cognitive development. This is important for the reason that if they are going to live up to their full potential and live a life filled with happiness and positivity, their experiences should be willing to do what is best for them. A child who is spanked shows an increase to mental health problems. These health problems can relate from depression, anxiety and paranoia. Studies have proved that the health problems can have an effect of a harsh depression, suicidal thoughts and also alcohol …show more content…

A child who was spanked throughout his life is shown in research that they themselves would spank their children. In other words, this may also happen with their significant other. A parent who was spanked as a child and regreted it all his life, might have a life full of anger to punish his or her kids the same way they were. They wil find it okay to hit their wife or husband because it wasn’t a problem when they were young. The child may learn that being abusive is okay since it’s parents do it and bring that to school and abuse other students. This comes to terms with other parents who are against abuse and can file up to criminal

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