The Importance Of Social And Friendship

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Social/Friendships In the years I was a class officer, I had to work with difficult people who held very different beliefs than I did. It was hard to compromise on many issues regarding our school and we often disagreed on crucial aspects. By working with these people, I learned how to use social skills to compromise and create solutions. It helped me understand the importance of working as a team and being humble enough to take others’ opinions and incorporate them into your own. Today, I can see the social skills of learning to compromise and work on a team help me in my church callings and group projects. We are often expected to work with people that are hard to get along with, but I am grateful that I can compromise and focus on the end goal. A difficult thing for me in high school was to call professionals on the phone to discuss venue options for class events. It made me feel nervous and incompetent as a young teenager to be talking to businessmen and businesswomen. However, I was forced to overcome these self-conscious thoughts as I worked through various corporations to plan for events. I helped me in high school as I developed the social skills to communicate with anybody, whether it was a peer or a C.E.O. of a company …show more content…

I loved developing the confidence to be able to speak in front of the school, to make decisions with the other class officers, and to serve my fellow classmates. I was able to feel comfortable with my positive and negative characteristics as I developed an optimistic view of myself. I could imagine the differences that I could make within the school, and I knew that I could be the one to help initiate positive changes. This confidence continues on today as I am now creating a Social Work Club at BYU. While it takes hours to create a charter and recruit members for a new club, I have the confidence to make a small difference to support the mission of

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