Social Networking: Harmful or Helpful?

729 Words2 Pages

Twitter and Facebook are only two of the online connections people use today to stay in contact with friends and family. The internet is the place to interact with new people and a way to expose yourself to strangers. The partial anonymity available online can be used as a mask for sexual offenders and psychos; they can appear to be ordinary normal people, and you have no way of really knowing what is the the truth and what is the lie. Too much personal information is at risk on these social networking sites. You can't really build a relationship with an online friend because on the internet you can become whoever you want to be.

Many people tend to agree that the socializing network can be both harmful or helpful. Many like the respect they receive from their online “pals.” It builds some peoples' self-esteem and confidence. Rather then speaking verbally with a person, you could easily message them. Some People like to build fake relationships rather than real ones because real relationships are difficult for those who “lack communication skills.” The internet gives them a place...

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