Coca Cola Social Media Analysis

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If you asked 10 followers on Twitter if they prefer Coke or Pepsi 9 out 10 would probably say Coke. This paper will explore the concepts of social media presence for The Coca- Cola Company. Why do people drink Coke? Why is Coke so popular? Questions such as these will be answered throughout this strategy recommendation project. This paper will discuss and identify the effects of social media, and what will make social media better by research on best practices. Social media is an imperative public relations tool for companies to utilize in their business practices. Social media cannot be regulated so anyone can say what they please about the company, whether it is good, bad or ugly. Social media is developing rapidly and there are new platforms Without a doubt, no beverage company compares to Coca-Cola’s social popularity or brand notoriety. Some people buy coke, not only because of its taste, but because it is also the most socially accepted brand. Another strength that is very important to Coca-Cola is customer loyalty. For instance, in a household where parents are avid Coke drinkers, this will be passed down to their children. Customers will continuously but Coke. Weaknesses – Coca-Cola is a very successful company with an impeccable social media following. Word of mouth is probably a strength, but only when feedback from consumers is positive, but there are people who are against Coca-Cola and their products. Even though Coca-Cola produces over 200 brand products, Coca-Cola lacks the social media popularity of other brands that they produce (Moth, 2013). Many drinks that they produce are extremely popular such as Coke or Sprite, but there are a lot of Coca-Cola products that are unknown, unseen, and unavailable for In addition, discussed Coke’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and potential ethical issues. While there are a number of challenges that Coca-Cola could face with using social media, they have actually used social media to their advantage. They also understand the ethical responsibility one must have if a company uses social media to advertise its products. Coca- Cola’s social media presence and engagement with the consumer grows daily. As long as Coca-Cola is committed to evolving with the consumer’s ever changing attitudes towards beverage’s it will insure that it will probably remain a top-tier beverage provider for years to

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