Digital Advertising Agency Case Study

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I had the pleasure to interview Maria Casella. She is the Vice President of Marketing at Digital Advertising Agency. An advertising agency that specializes in the Hispanic market in South Florida which sells television spots and produces commercials. During our interview, she explained to me the process in which her agency understands their customers. We talked about their customers, segments and positioning, tools and processes to understand the customer, their challenges in market research, and my recommendations. Digital Advertising Agency is a small advertising agency located in Miami, Florida. They have been in operation since 2009. They produce television commercials in high definition as well selling television spots. They have a niche market since they have specific networks that they work with. The agency works with cable networks like SurPeru, TVChile, TVColombia, that tend to be market segmented based on the content’s country of origin. These cable networks buy country specific content and air it on their networks in the United States. Customers The agency’s customer are small business owners. The small business owners usually own restaurants, specialty stores, travel agencies, etc., that sell products aimed at the Hispanic market. About 80 percent of their …show more content…

They analyze the capability of investment of the customer based on the weekly investment they are able to make. The agency aims for clients that have a budget of about $750 per week and a commitment of continuous television spots for 3 months. Since the customer needs a television commercial to be broadcasted on television, they also provide the commercial production service for which they usually charge $500 per commercial or $300 per revision. They recommend their clients to make a revision or a new commercial depending on their circumstances every 3

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