Helmholtz's Ability To Change The World

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Looking at things with a different perspective has been the mother of innovation from times immemorial. For example, Galileo defied the conventional norms in researching the solar system and explained the relative position of different planets with respect to the Sun. Additionally, Darwin’s ability to look at things differently lead to the concept of evolution at a time when God was considered to be the creator of everything in this world. Both of these examples clearly demonstrate that thinking differently is central for innovation to happen. The large tech company Apple highlights uniqueness within their “Think Different” campaign:
“Here 's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.
However, he fails to have a significant impact on the society due to the fragments of conditioning left within him and therefore, he has not been able to break out of the shackles of conditioning. Within the World State, conditioning is the main tool used to establish stability. There are many forms of conditioning that exist within the areas of biological and psychological engineering. Helmholtz 's genius is unparalleled in the area of emotional engineering. It is within his occupation that he writes hypnopaedia and propaganda for the citizens of the World State. Ironically, Helmholtz begins his process of overcoming his conditioning while creating propaganda. He created a poem about solitude that contains major conflicting thoughts with the World State. Moreover, Helmholtz is different than the majority of people within the World State because he finds taking soma pills and other materialistic routines to be boring. Therefore, he focuses his time onto something he finds interesting, which is poetry. However, he feels that he has: “got something important to say and the power to say it - only [he] [doesn’t] know what it is.” Helmholtz is struggling to write poetry because he has no source material. For example, if Helmholtz wanted to write about a tragedy then he must have knowledge about a tragedy. However, within the World State where everything is censored and “perfect” Helmholtz has no basic source material to write a meaningful poem. He is screaming from the inside; searching for something hidden deep within himself, something meaningful, however he can not find it. The sheer fact that he is questioning the society and himself, reveals that he has the potential to cause change because he differs from the rest of the society. Furthermore, at the end of the novel, when Helmholtz is talking to Mustapha

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