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Role of informal learning in education
Essay on organizational learning
Annotated bibliography Organizational learning and the
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Karina Kenk
Learning is a multi-layered and multidimensional construct (Nonaka 1994; Zollo and Winter
2002). Learning can be individual or collective (Huber 1991) resting on multiple sources of knowledge (Malerba 1992). Learning and innovation are related constructs, when considering how they are defined in the literature. Nonaka (1994: 14) understood innovation as “a process in which the organization creates and defines problems and then actively develops new knowledge to solve them”. Huber (1991: 89) takes a behavioural perspective on learning, claiming that “An entity learns if, through its processing of information, the range of its potential behaviors is changed”. In other words, both learning and innovation are related to processing of information and developing new knowledge. In the literature of dynamic capabilities (DC) and innovation, learning is a frequently mentioned construct (Teece et al
1997). By reviewing the literature on learning and innovation, we try to answer the following research questions:
• What is the role of organizational learning in the development of the dynamic capabilities? • How is individual learning transformed into organizational learning and what are the factors facilitating organizational learning?
• How is learning contributing to innovation performance and consequently to the performance of the firm?
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows – first an overview of the relations between learning and dynamic capabilities is given. Then some of the microfoundations for learning and the factors contributing organizational learning are reviewed. Third, an overview of empirical studies studying the relat...
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...nizational learning includes some information content, a learning product (information, know-how, or understanding), a learning process which consists in acquiring, processing, and storing information, and a learner to whom the learning process is attributed”. Therefore Nonaka (1994) emphasizes the roles of informal communities for social interaction on one hand and the formal provisions for building knowledge on the other hand in the process of organizational learning. Malerba
(1992) advances the following propositions concerning learning:
• learning is a costly and targeted process that takes place within the firm;
• learning is linked to different sources of knowledge that may be either internal or external to the firm;
• learning is cumulative and increases firms' stock of knowledge;
• firms' specific stock of knowledge generate mostly local and incremental inn
When we are born does our mind already contain knowledge or is knowledge something that we have to be taught throughout out life? This question is one that the studies of epistemology and innateness have questioned throughout time. While clarity can be gained on the subject, like all of philosophy, there are differing opinions on the matter.
Considering this in more depth, the writing illustrates a surface approach to learning by gaining disparate pieces of information; reproducing this information and then completing the related task assigned (Entwistle & Peterson, 2004: 415). Mccune and
And how does it affect the company’s overall performance? There are numerous types of innovation, with some to be outlined, while others discussed in the following paragraphs with various workplace scenarios. Process Innovation is something that most people are familiar with, in which
According to Spigner-Littles and Anderson new information must be related to the learners “goal, experiences, previous knowledge, values, beliefs and socio-cultural factors where learners then construct their own schemas.
When innovation is studied as a process, there may be several definitions. Davenport (2013) see innovation as “the process in which from an idea, invention, or recognition of a need develops a product, technique or useful service to be commercially accepted “. In this definition, success of an innovation is broadly linked with the concept of social utility, and less with the commercial acceptance.
...as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking. California Management Review, 50(1), 24-56. Retrieved from: http://epic.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/pub/Home/TrendsAndConceptsII2008/2_InnovationAsLearningProcess.pdf.
On the basis of andragogy the principles of adult learners integrate as: when there is a need felt by the learner, the continuous learning is usually take place in order to gain new or advancement of knowledge to practice in real time tasks effectively. Adult learners are self motivated, responsible, able to understand the expectation of competencies as learners to implement quality in performance. The past experience play the importance in self-identity to fill the gap with acquired knowledge to accomplish the task in satisfying organized manner with realization of current situation rather than matter of subject ("Awesome Chart on " Pedagogy Vs Andragogy " ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning," n.d.). Learning is considered
There are many people who believe and consider that creativity is affected by culture, the way that ideas, how concepts are introduced, and developed into a reality. In today’s market, creativity is linked to innovation, which is an appreciated and sought after skill to have in todays changing world. I agree with this statement and declaration with four reasons. The first reason is if we did not let people think of ways to be improve items, then we would not be currently in a place in society with the advancement of technology and new ideas that come out everyday from the people of the world. Secondly, the believed notion that “More Energy is equaled to Better Moods”, which is appropriately true about how creativity is affected by culture. Another reason why creativity is affected by culture is allowing the possibilities and opportunities created by creative minds of our culture. The final reason why creativity is affected by culture is one learns persistence and dedication from the journey they take to be unique and creative; while they create and find new answers that they never knew before using creativity to
Kelley,T. (2005, Oct.). The 10 faces of innovation. Fast Company, 74-77. Retrieved 6th March’ 2014 from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=9&sid=1d6a17b7-c5f7-4f00-bea4 db1d84cbef55%40sessionmgr10&hid=28&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bth&AN=18386009
Since we are born we have imagination and as we grow up this imagination may increase or decrease. Creativity strongly relies in our imagination. Depending on different circumstances people learn to express their creativity openly while other people close themselves and believe they do not have creativity. Creativity is a natural talent that every single human has. Creativity can be used to solve a complex problem in a different manner or just to find innovative ways to have fun. Creativity is thinking out of the box. Even though creativity cannot be taught from scratch there should be a class that is specific for creativity.
Innovation is an object that was successfully implemented in production and making a profit as a result of scientific research or discoveries made qualitatively different from previous counterpart. The term innovation and disruptive innovation are similar. The innovation process is associated with the creation, development and dissemination of innovations.
What is innovation and how does it relate to internationalization? The literature on the two topics has evolved exponentially during the past decades, however, the difference of the research results makes it so that the relationship between innovation and internationalization is not fully understood. Relying on a systematic review of empirical studies published in the past two decades, this literature review propose and discuss questions which brings to the fore the relationship between the innovation process and internationalization. The articles selected for review were chosen on the basis of their academic intergrity, relevance to the topic under review, the date of publication, the scope and methodology of the research, quality of the
Entrepreneurship - a special kind of activity. Its constant conditions are limited resources, competition and uncertainty of the situation. The main tools of the entrepreneur are: thrift, cooperation and innovation. Consequently, enterprise is the independent economic entity, with rights of a legal entity, which is based on the use of labor collective property produces and sells products, works, and provides services.
Nowadays, entrepreneurship becomes most popular career, where our government encourages our graduated student to involve in business so that unemployment will not happen in our country. Policymakers, academics, and researcher agree that entrepreneurship is a vital route to economic advancement for both developed and developing economics (Zelealem et al., 2004). Entrepreneurship has many types for example small business and others. Today small business, particularly the new ones, is the main vehicle for entrepreneurship, contributing not just to employment, social and political stability, but also to innovation and competitive power (Thurik & Wennekers, 2004).