Should Abortion Be Legal Option Of Abortion?

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In the United Methodist Church they have many different social principles, one of which relates to abortion. The social principle on abortion states “In the beginning of life and the ending of life are what God has given boundaries of human existence. Understanding that people have always had some amount of control over when they die and they have the same power to determine when and even whether new little people will be born. The belief in the holiness of unborn human life makes us scared to approve abortion. They recognize the conflicts of life that may justify abortion, and in some cases we support the legal option of abortion under medical procedures by doctors. They also support parents, guardians, and other responsible adult signatures and agree that other abortions can be done on woman who have not yet reached the age of adulthood. They don’t allow the late-term abortion also known as partial birth abortion. The Church society calls the Christians to search and prayerful inquiry into the sorts of conditions that may cause them to consider abortion. We entrust God to provide guidance, wisdom, and judgement to those facing an unintended pregnancy. The church also offers ministries to reduce the unplanned pregnancies. They commit to the church to continue to provide nurturing ministries to those who kill their pregnancy, or those who are in the midst of a crisis pregnancy, and those who give birth (
According to the dictionary definition is the various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy during the six months. It can also be called a voluntary abortion. The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy (
I believe that when a mother first see her child it’s ...

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...follow the principle and help them.
In conclusion, I think that we need to increase with having clinics to help women with this tough choice that talked about in my above paragraph and that isn’t even enough we need to give guidance and have other women. “We support policies that say that abortion isn’t allowed and I agree completely abortion and you should keep a child and enjoy the great memories that come with having a child. We should help the women and accept all women who have made the decision since it could have put them in danger. We also will provide help for the ones that need help supporting their child and need help taking care of their child. We criticize policies that allow women to get abortion without some sort of guidance, and having clinics that information on what can be provided for them and how they can get more help wherever they may need it.”

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