Hungry Girl for the Hungry World

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In a society where food is no longer viewed as just a source of nutrients and is becoming increasingly unhealthy, it has become difficult for many to eat healthy. is a free email subscription service that was started in May 2004 by Lisa Lillien with that thought in mind. It offers information about healthy eating. The home page is the first page that the audience would see. The main purpose of the home page of the Hungry-Girl website is conveyed through the use of vibrant imagery and intriguing descriptions to charm the intended audience of the website to subscribe to their email service. A secondary purpose of this site is to tempt the audience to purchase Lillien's published books. I believe that through utilizing these elements in the site, this website is rhetorically effective It is likely that the intended audience of this website is women based on the colors used on the homepage of this site. More specifically the intended audience of this site is likely women who are interested in cooking and healthy eating. I know this through text used on this site as well as through the additional images used. The colors used on the homepage of this website are vivid shades of blues, pinks/purples, and greens. All of these colors are very feminine shades of their respective color. These colors would not often appear on sites that are trying to appeal to a male audience, so it is safe to say that the intended audience is female. The images used on this site also support this idea. Some of these images include lips, flowers, and cartoon illustrations of Lisa Lillian. Floral designs and cute images of lips are not something meant to appeal to a masculine audience. They applied these images with the purpose of appealing to f... ... middle of paper ... ...ed audience group, I also use it for its intended purpose. The fact that her books are best sellers also supports my position that this site is rhetorically effective. If her books are able to become best sellers, that shows that she has reached a large number of her audience and more than likely reached people who did not fall under her intended audience, for example Dr. OZ who is neither a female or very feminine. Another fact that supports this opinion is the number of subscribers this site has. I found from additional researching that her website has at least 1 million subscribers. That would mean that the home page of the site, which is essentially the hook of the entire website, does a good job in captivating the audience. Therefore, by utilizing bright and colorful imagery and intriguing descriptions, this home page of this website was rhetorically effective.

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