Self Determination Essay

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As discussed above, scholars’ attitudes towards self-determination correlate with their understanding about the link between self-determination and democracy. Intrinsically linked with the idea of democracy, self-determination was to correct the arbitrariness and injustices of dynastic rule. In theory, self-determination could be said to refer to the practice by which individuals freely express their political will by choosing their own government and, at this stage, a reference to nationalism appears by no means necessary. The problem arises when the principle of self-determination is put into practice (xxx, xxx). A more fitting democratic order need to be founded on linking interdependent grassroots communities together. Contemporary realities …show more content…

However, vesting power in an elected body coincided with the scramble by the various social sectors to exclude their protagonists. The rationales for exclusion were devised to achieve such an aim. The prescription of gender, class, racial, and religious attributes as rationales for political exclusion was promulgated as a universal norm in the period after the Second World War. Thus, gradually the barriers to participation by all sectors of society reduced effortfully (xxx, xxx). Argued that the Western democratic states are far from functioning as fully representative polities since there is still lingering practices of disproportionate under-representation of women, racial and ethnic minorities in the elected bodies (xxx, xxx). This does not result from formally enacted impediments to representation. So, uncovering and dealing with the factors that contribute to this unfairness is essential for improving democratic representation. Thus, exploring whether the liberal democracy suitable for the promotion of peace and stability appears relevant in

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