Philosophy Of Self Discipline Essay

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CHAPTER 3 – LAYING THE GROUNDWORK OF SELF-DISCIPLINE “Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you do not control what you think, you cannot control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.” —Oliver Napoleon Hill, American self-motivational author A harnessed self-discipline allows you to live a life of freedom that helps you decide healthy choices, and not prefer emotional ones. Give yourself a shot and your happiness will be grateful for it. According to a recent psychological study, people who are more capable of dealing with goal conflicts bear a greater sense of self-discipline, and are happier than those without. These self-disciplined subjects spent lesser time over disputing …show more content…

They never allow their choices to be subjects under the control of impulses or emotions. Rather, they made sensible and logical decisions on a day-to-day basis without getting upset or feeling overly stressed out. Whether it concerns your relationships, work ethic, fitness or diet, self-discipline is the principal attitude required among the several virtuous qualities of an individual. More than that, it is necessary to reach goals (as oft repeated to you), pursue a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, let you become contented and happy. With all these favorable benefits of acquiring self-discipline, you beget long-term and sustainable success in all areas of your life. No matter how you may think of it to be, self-discipline is a studied behavior. It needs constant practice. You have to exercise it repetitively in your daily life. It requires no days off. Practicing discipline is especially significant when you think and feel like giving up. Discipline is a way of life, and it never comes easy. Had it been, everybody would be a disciplined creature. Become disciplined, anyway, despite your resistance of …show more content…

Developing self-control means altering your usual routine, albeit, it becomes unfavorable and uncomfortable to you. Behavioral experts explain that habits come from the basal ganglia, a part of the brain associated with patterns, memories, and emotions. On the other hand, decisions spring from the frontal cortex, an entirely different part of our brain. That is why, when behaviors become habits, we function on autopilot mode and cease to apply our decision-making skills. Thus, breaking a bad habit and creating a new one not only requires you to make decisions, but also lets you feel wrong. Your brain resists the change in lieu of the pre-programmed impulses it has. Therefore, the solution is to acknowledge and embrace the wrong and realize that it takes time for your new habit to feel right, inherent or natural. Just keep up with it and it will all take place. SELF-GRATIFICATION PROGRAMMING: SCHEDULING BREATHERS & REWARDS Self-discipline does not necessarily connote that your new behavior or regimen must be entirely under a strict or military-styled performance. Actually, adhering to a tight rule usually produces disappointments and failures; if not, it submits yourself back to your old, unpleasant

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