Personal Self Concept Essay

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Interpersonal relationships are those that we have with other people. Communication between others is essential to human survival. We communicate to get what we need: food, affection, knowledge, understanding, money, the list goes on. In these relationships, we build our image of ourselves, learn to trust, and sometimes fall apart. This paper will analyze interviews discussing what happens in their real life experiences with relationships and compare how they may differ from person to person. How you communicate with others depends on how you view yourself. All people have images of themselves called a self-concept. There are three types of self-concepts: public (the way you want others to see you), real (the way you actually view yourself), and ideal (the way you want to be). Sometimes, a public and real self-concept don’t match. Do you feel that your public self-concept is different from your real self-concept? A. I try to keep both my public self-concept and my real self-concept in line with each other. I think that they are both relatively the same and I would like them to be so I don’t appear to others as being different than how I really am. B. I believe they are different. My personal self-concept is that I am a nice person who tries to make others happier, but I …show more content…

I really think it depends on the situation I am in. When you put me in a social situation, I know for a fact that my self-esteem is negative. On the rare occasion that I am at parties, I always feel like the odd man out. I just can’t understand how people talk so effortlessly. When it comes to sports, my self-esteem is through the roof. I have always been athletic and I find that when I am playing sports with strangers I am able to communicate. I think it stems from both what I think and what others think. I know I’m good at sports, but being picked first in gym class was reassuring. But when my friends go to parties, and I’m not invited, it makes me feel that people don’t want to talk to

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