The Pros And Cons Of The Scientific Method

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Science is applied to the world with experiments. Scientists created the scientific method to make a “conclusion about the world around them” (1). “The Scientific Method helps to “organize thoughts and procedures to finalized conclusions” (2). The Scientific Method consists of six steps to carry out an experiment reach. The first step is, ask a question. When an individual questions the things around them they tend to do an experiment to see if it can be affected by something. Before you can perform the experiment the second step is to find background research about the topic. Understanding the question and analyzing it can help a person gain insight and a greater depth of understanding. The third step of the method is creating a statement …show more content…

The final step concludes the experiment but it does not show “whether a hypothesis is accepted or refuted, because both of the results advance scientific knowledge” (4). If experiments did not fail then people would not know what is correct. “After all, we would not know which paths are best for advancement if all paths were not ventured” (5). “Replication is vital to science. It helps make science a self-correcting system” (6). Science is reliable because the experiments produced have been replicated by many different scientists for validity. Many scientists had to repeat experiments multiple of times to reach the correct and understanding methods. For example, “in 1838 Schleiden said that all plants were made from cells. In 1839 Schwann said all animals were made from cells, and in 1855 Virchow said that all cells come from other cells.” (7). Science is always developing and it involved three different scientists to reach one conclusion that makes up the cell theory: “All living things are composed of cells. The cell is the basic unit of life. Cells arise from pre-existing cells” …show more content…

Application of science can be lost through, errors or experiments. These errors are affected by location, time, ingredients and etc. To fix the errors within an experiment you would reevaluate the uncontrolled variable and error. Due to many experiments produced to get the correct result many factors need to be taken into account. Knowledge can be obtained from many different things such as, personal experience, culture and other factors. But, non-application of science is still correct because how can someone determine the validity of the knowledge. Knowledge is undefined and when an experiment is produced with an error people cannot determine whether it is

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