Wahhabism Essay

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Saudi Arabia & Qatar:
Two Different Takes on Wahhabism

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both independent, Middle Eastern nations located on the Arabian Gulf peninsula. They share the same religion, same ruling style and same ruling religion. They are both Islamic monarchies where Wahhabism—a fundamentalist sect of Islam—is the primary faith among their people and the faith of their ruling families. Their economies follow nearly identical paths, as oil wealth is the primary sector of both of their Gross Domestic Products (GDPs) and largely controlled by the government. Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar are economically oil-driven Wahabist kingdoms; however, Qatar 's lack of reliance on Wahhabism coupled with its acceptance of its own ephemerality has …show more content…

Qatari women have much more freedom than Saudi Arabian women because Qatar does not rely on a restrictive type Wahhabism and instead follows a style of Wahhabism that is more progressive and forward looking than the Saudi Arabian version. Wahhabism is a fundamentalist branch of Sunni Islam founded in the eighteenth century and named after Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Wahhabism attempts to return to the core roots of Islam, eliminating impurities in Islam like idol worship. First and foremost, Qatar has not developed an indigenous Wahhabist ulama, so Wahhabism does not have the same absolute control over the government and political system that it does in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism dictates law: Sha’ria law is the basis of almost all secular law. In Qatar, however, the political system is actually rather secular, practicing “Wahhabism of the sea” rather than Saudi Arabia’s “Wahhabism of the land.” Further, Qatar’s “Wahhabism of the sea” is free flowing like …show more content…

Qatar’s culture is progressive neither because it is Western nor because it is fundamentally Islamic but because it manages to use soft diplomacy to lie in the middle of the two, on the front edge of both cultures. Qatar practices soft diplomacy because it allows them the luxury of gaining a variety of allies who would hopefully provide support to them if they were to need it. So, Qatar’s progressive media and culture are based on Qatar’s soft diplomacy that stems from its less fundamental Wahhabism and its efforts to gain

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