Saas And Paas Similarities And Differences

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Saas and Paas: Similarities and Differences
Saas and Paas has grown tremendously through the years. First, to define them, Saas stands for: Software as a service. Paps stands for: Platform as a service. Both have differences and similiaritties as well as advantages and disadvantages. Many people often overlook the technology behind a well- rounded website, this essay will help differentiate Saas from Paas and how to use both.
Software as a service is at the highest level. This means you as the computer user are using a vendor’s website or application just as a service.
“Companies are adopting software as a service (SaaS) applications to reduce costs and get tools in the hands of their users faster. Cloud services have enticed many customers …show more content…

You are not downloading any software to use the service, you are simply logging onto your internet and getting whatever you need to get done, done. “Each of these products is an example of a defining trend of our networked age: the outsourcing of common sense to gadgetry. A foundational level of human perception and competence is being mechanized through apps and online services.” (Carr, 2015)
Of course, there are many advantages to Saas. One benefit, is there are so many applications and platforms out there that allow you to use a service without doing any of the dirty work. Simply logging on and using an application seems to make many things a lot easier on an individual or company. For

Saas and Paas: Similarities and Differences example, Google added the software Inbox to their platform. Now, anybody that logs in through Gmail is able to use Inbox without downloading software or updating the Gmail software. This software made is easy for many people to get organized with their emails. Ravenscraft exclaimed, “One of the biggest differences between Gmail and Inbox is that your email gets grouped into things called “bundles.” You can think of bundles like Gmail’s filters on steroids.

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