The Role of Sexuality in Our Lives

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The Role of Sexuality in Our Lives The word “sexuality” has been looked upon as taboo and for centuries many of us grow up being taught how this part of our lives shouldn't be expressed openly. We all experience the feeling as humans, we share this characteristic. Some of us are taught not to express any feeling that has to do with our inner wants when it comes to this topic. It could make us more loving or even at times some incidents can ruin our lives. Even though we are under educated in this area, it's natural and healthy because sexuality is part of emotional fulfillment and we all have different needs to feel loved. Some define sexuality as their general identity while others shy away anything that has to do with this subject. According to The Journal of Sex Research, a study of 137 (46 gay, 46 lesbian, 45 heterosexual) couples in new relationships between the ages of 18-38 was performed. Within this study 65% said they were always or typically open with their sexuality, and the other 35% said they were typically guarded in expression of their sexuality (Expression of Sexuality, The journal of Sex Feb 2006). This study may shows how no matter which type of relationship we may be involved with, the feelings remain same throughout each type of these different relations. In the open eyes of society this may be a easy target for someone not in a man/woman relationship to be prey of judgments based upon the outer appearance of your relationship. Our urges of want and need are stimulated from the limbic parts of our brains which are hormonally regulated and very similar to that of other mammals. These responses and signals between the body/brain change as we go through different phases of our lives along... ... middle of paper ... ...n equal part when it comes to being in a satisfying and fulfilling, healthy relationship. Sometimes even therapy may not be the most beneficial. We make choices in our lives based upon our own beliefs. Decisions affect who we are and what we will become not only for ourselves but for the ones looking up to us as well. Hopefully this article has given an insight and some facts about how sexuality plays a role in our lives many different ways. We have been educated about how an illness may effect our feelings towards one another, how religion and faith tie in with sexual beliefs, and how different couples compare to each other in this subject. If we allow ourselves to become more acquainted with these feelings and learn how our own bodies work we would be a lot healthier overall. Learning about ourselves may solve some of the questions we ask in our own minds.

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