Theme Of Identity In The Belly Of The Atlantic

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The Role of Self, Obligation and How Much is too Much? Immigration has been a hot topic recently in the media with the Syrian refugees. Especially with Donald Trump’s candid, yet outrageous views on Muslim immigration to the United States. Immigration is the movement of persons from their native country to another for any particular reason. Why do you think immigration is such a controversial topic in society? Is it because we do not like to accept different cultures and their way of life? Alternatively, is it because we would rather help our own country deal with our own domestic issues without factoring in others’ as well? Is it because some of us do not want to deal with the extra competition for jobs, resources, education, etc. Whatever the reason may be immigration is still a sensitive subject and issue today as it was when countries were just beginning to form. But from the immigrant’s point of view, how does one deal with their …show more content…

To expound, having problems with oneself and/or their origin or history can later develop into other issues later on in life, never completely feeling secure within themselves. The book had several other themes as well such as issues with immigration, idolizing; when it is okay and when it becomes a hindrance, sexism and more. The theme of identity reoccurred throughout the book and was more personally suited for Salie. To reiterate, Salie never felt comfortable with herself from the moment she was born. The women in her village rarely included her in conversations. She just did not fit in. As a result, she thinks she can get a sense of security and community in another country. Salie migrating did not solve her issues; she simply moved her problems from one part of the world, to another part. Salie was so focused on trying to run away from her problems, and even herself that she could not truly find her

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