Detective Doe Case Study

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Reward power in Detective Doe’s case is very complicated because of the harm extrinsic rewards can have on a person’s intrinsic motivations (Vansteenkiste et al. 2006). Intrinsic motivation is key in Detective Doe’s line of work because many of the people who join the NYPD do so out of a sense of wanting to give back and help communities. By adding more extrinsic rewards or forms of compensation this will take away from the fulfillment of a task and the interest of it as well (Deci 1972). By keeping a focus on the intrinsic rewards and overall satisfaction of police work Detective Doe is able to properly influence and motivate his followers.
Goal Structuring One of the most challenging aspects of Detective Doe’s job is structuring goals so that they motivate their team to do their …show more content…

In an area of work such as law enforcement relationships built upon trust and reciprocity go a long way in helping both leaders and followers. Not only will Detective Doe’s relationships and personal growth benefit but it has been proven that his group’s cohesion and participation will also be improved by the development of strong leader-follower relationships (Naidoo et al. 2011, Sparrowe et al. 2006). Regarding this it is also important that Detective Doe is careful regarding the use of transactional leadership, specifically related to extrinsic rewards. It is clearly extremely difficult to be solely one and also be a good leader since a balance transformational leadership and transactional leadership make a strong leader (Judge & Piccolo 2004). It is absolutely necessary though to try and keep rewards intrinsic and keep people motivated by their self-satisfaction than extrinsic compensation. If too many extrinsic rewards are offered as compensation than many people may lose their initial interests and reasons for entering the field of law enforcement (Deci

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