S Review Of Olivia Fantini's Spectacular Things Happen Along The Way

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Essay 2. I agree with Dan Busti’s review of the “Spectacular things happen along the way” by Schultz because if you are privileged and you are a teacher even if your students are unprivileged you can be their voice like in the Olivia Fantini that did not wanted to be her students voice but the microphone. Schultz was their boys in a way because this unprivileged students would of not have been able to be heard if it was ot for their teacher, their white teacher “What is misplaced is the belief that one can cleanly and clearly absolve oneself of one’s privileged positionality. Schultz struggles with this throughout the book in an attempt to underscore that his privileged positionality had nothing to do with his students’ success. But it is exactly his privileged positionality that helped make his experiences so powerful and successful. Schultz was a corporate consultant and an Outward Bound instructor before becoming a classroom teacher. He was pursuing a doctorate degree with William Ayers, among others, at the University …show more content…

In the “On Standardization testing” by Olivia Fantini she was a middle class white teachers that even if she drove by the student neighborhood she did not see the problems or could connect with them in the way she wanted because she was in the side of the privileged even if she was a female. Schultz was privileged too but he did not think his privilege was able to make him show the suffering of this students because he did not live in the conditions this students did. Raquel in Pegler 's reading changed her curriculum to be able to inspired her students to learn and be critical thinkers. Schulz did a similar thing with his students by working on the problems of their

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