What Are The Pros And Cons Of Religion Essay

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Religion is a concept that humans as a whole have spent their entire lives trying to understand. It is a force that drives us to the point we are inspired by and have the desire to know more about it. And it can even be said that for however long the human race has been on this earth there has been some form of religious belief that has been followed. This has to deal with the fact that we need it just as much as we need food, water, and air to continue on living. And for religion to thrive it needs people to follow the systems of beliefs that would captivate and allow the process of it being spread to others. For it is only by believing in something considered to be much greater than oneself that a person can be motivated to do what they normally …show more content…

So that we can make decisions that are strongly believed to have been right instead of wondering if our choices are wrong. Which is why in this analysis paper on religion I will answer the questions that many ask themselves at different periods of their life. The first question is what are the pros and cons of religion? What are the cost and benefits of it along with whether or not there is profit to gain or lose from the belief system. And final question is to see if there is a possibility in my answers changing if it was a different cultural or spiritual setting or if my religious beliefs were animistic shamanism or animatism? Once these questions are answered the conclusion will follow allowing the reader to come to their own interpretation of this paper and seeing if my writing has persuaded them towards my own way of …show more content…

Which is that like with most if not all aspects of human life there is no exact or correct way of viewing things, since all religions created and adapted were by humans it can then be assumed that like us it is not perfect and will have many flaws found within. That is why for all the proactive good religion can be accountable for, there will always be some type of form that is consecutively bad or even harmful with actions that will be associated to it. So, to start we must look at both the good and the bad that are caused from having some form of belief that is directed towards the supernatural or even nothing at all. The fundamental problem that comes with an analysis on a topic as big as religion is that it can go in an infinite direaction both positive and negative. Therefore it must be more generalized, such as what impact it has on the individual, group, and whole society. This is must easier to follow and answer since all one has to do is look at the culture that they live in today. For example in America there is a saying, prayer, song, etc. that states “God bless America” and it is one that many constantly take advantage of to back many claims they make. But what it really means to those who follow the Christian belief system is that all actions taken by an individual, a group of people, and even the

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