Production Management System

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Production Management System refers to processing centralize environment, where in this system controls aspects in production. This generates with some information that provides inventory, with this system production management plans an effective production that monitors the production target by the economy. Production Management System gives many ways to a better performance of a company for the growth of economy and this is common especially in production. According to Karauolova T. (2011) “production mangers and engineers may be directly responsible for searching out ways to decrease the use of energy”. This tells about the progression of economy, the cost of energy give highly increases, so it grows through the use of energy efficiency. Production Management System can help in the growth of the economy through energy efficiency consumption. The production is able to make the product affordable to the costumers and by the use of energy efficiency, the quality of the product is improve and the production target by the economy are successfully developed by the system used in production. According to Belokar R.M. (2009) the main objective in the Production Management is production providing goods and services in right quality and to the minimum cost that is used. This means that Production Management System is produce a good quality with a small cost amount that is important to make the investment will push through. This investment gives a big factor for the growth of the economy because it gives opportunity to the company, that company aid the growth of the succession of the economy Production Management System did many things for the growth of economy. The first is planning and organizing in fast production, this is the first ... ... middle of paper ... ...dered. These factors are considered as Production Management System this is to help the growth of economy through the use of energy that the Production Management System wanted for the growth of economy and this energy efficiency is the right sources to produce a less cost of product. It is recommended to those persons who are concerned about the production. Labor is the effort that people contribute to the production goods and services capital as the machinery, tools and buildings humans use to produce goods. Entrepreneur is a person who combines the other factors of production, land labor and capital to earn a profit and for te success of the economy. Works Cited

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