Reflection Essay: In-Process Philosophy Of Education

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In-Process Philosophy of Education Essay

An individual is at constant change throughout their life-span, with this being said, our philosophies can also be at change and in evolution. As we grow, we learn and develop ideas as we go, especially in our fields of study. My philosophy of education has persisted predominately the same way as when I first started looking into Education. I have learned new concepts, understanding and believes, however my believes are set in and in a way the foundation of the drive/motivation into teaching. I firmly believe that every educator can make an impact in students’ lives. Every student should be allowed to receive the best educational experience. Children from all ages need our most critical attention and we must help build strong foundations in our students’ lives. I believe that every human being is constantly learning, everyone including the teachers. Although Educators may be given the title of “Teacher” and is respected as such, I believe we should be seen as students as well. Teachers learn from their students every day. Students not only learn from the Teachers but also amongst themselves. I strongly believe that a friendly environment where everyone in the room gets a voice, and learn from each other is a great classroom. I want to be the teacher …show more content…

Parent engagement is an important aspect I have gained interest on. As Henderson, the author of Beyond the Bake Sale: How School Districts Can Promote Family Involvement states, “For a district to be serious about closing the achievement gap, it will also have to be serious about closing the gap between schools that do and do not welcome partnerships with families. All of us- teachers, parents, administrators… must work together to make this happen.” (Henderson, 2008). It takes teamwork and speaking out/ reaching out to see the

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