Persuasive Essay On Teen Smoking

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In 2014, an estimated 40.0 million U.S. adults were current cigarette smokers.Those current smokers most likely started out before they were even 18. Killing more than 16.7% of young adults, cigarettes have caused approximately 480,000 American deaths all together each year. Many people die from smoking but many people also start smoking each year, especially people under the age of 20. Americans should address the problem of young adults smoking because it will lead to a huge increase of unnecessary issues such as, less money in your bank account, pollution, many health risks, addiction and even death.
Teens are influenced easily. You can tell them something is really awesome and they will believe you. That is usually the case when it comes to teenage smoking. A family with a father that smokes may influence his young son to try too. A teenage girl meets with her friends and one of them steals a cigarette from their parent. Peer pressure is around more than you think, and it is part of the reason so many people smoke. Going to a party, the use of a hookah, E-cigarette, flavored cigars and chewing tobacco may also be present. The use of E-cigs among young adults has increased from 4.7% in 2011 to 17.2% in 2014. …show more content…

They probably won 't ever stop, and that 's terrible. The worst part is that everyone starts out young. Everyone starts deteriorating their bodies at a young age and never realize it until they go to that one doctor 's visit. America can change the rise of young teens smoking. All the problems that it causes isn’t worth that relaxed feeling for five minutes. It’s not worth smelling like smoke all the time and they aren’t worth more than someone you love! America needs to show young kids that life can be lived without smoking cigarettes and you don’t need a quick five minute getaway. Cigarettes hurt the people and pets around you. Even hurting your home. The pros of smoking cigarettes are little to

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