The Positive Functions Of Poverty: Critical Analysis

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Poverty is more functional to the affluent members of society because they are the ones who benefit greatly from others living in poverty. In my opinion, there are a great number of people who are a part of the affluent society that lack compassion for others. This in turn results in them having more financial gains and people on the other end of the spectrum falling deeper and deeper below the poverty line. Members of the affluent society has also been known to utilize the impoverished to do the “dirty work,” which are strenuous low paying jobs that sometimes require an excessive amount of hours. Working these types of jobs, are not very beneficial to those living in poverty because of the downfalls they may cause on their households. Due to the amounts of hours that may be required, the impoverished often faces risks of losing their subsidies. I agree with Gans stance because in the article The Positive Functions of Poverty, he makes several valid points while shedding light on the economic, social, cultural, and political functions (Gans, 1972). In my opinion, Gans sums it up best by making mention of poverty being functional for those who do not struggle with the thoughts of where their next meal will coming from …show more content…

Even though the rhetoric in the American Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and a variety of other well-known American doctrines included all American citizens, ultimately it is believed that everyone is not included and it should state “some” versus “all.” Rank, Hirschl, & Foster believe this rhetoric creates false beliefs amongst society (Rank, Hirschl, & Foster, 2014). It allows those who are unable to achieve the American Dream to be deemed as lazy or as if they are at fault for a dream that was beyond their reach to begin

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