The Positive Messages in Romeo and Juliet

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Even though life may hand us tragedies, hopefully in the end we can always take at least a little positive out of the situation. Life hands everyone challenges, the only difference between them is how we handle and deal with them, plus if we can always leave with a new outlook. Tragedies even such as Romeo and Juliet can still have positive legacies left through them. Humans tend to focus only on the negative, yet no matter what the situation, we should always be able to take something from it. This tragedy in general may topple over many tragedies, yet we can still name positive messages about the human spirit. In Romeo and Juliet, three positive messages about the human spirit that it portrays are love, hope and endurance.

Initially, in Romeo and Juliet, it clearly displays and illustrates a strong bond of love. This play itself is known as one of the best love stories ever written in this lifetime. Even though this is debatable, almost everyone can agree it should at least be at the top of the list. Romeo and Juliet had known each other for five minutes of their life, before they...

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