How Do Youth Coaches Have A Negative Influence On Youth Sports

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For most athletes, their coach as the biggest influence on there competitive experience. A Sport in America survey found that coaches are a leading positive influence on today’s youth. (The Importance) Across all major sports groups, coaches rank as the number one positive or negative influence on youth today. Because of a coach’s selfish expectations and negative impact many players feel trapped, and lose passion and their commitment for the game.
At their best, coaches can help their players improve their skills, perform to their best ability, develop strong character, and gain confidence. That is, if they can maximize the positive value of the sport, and they can enhance the fundamental motivation to play sports. The values of the sport …show more content…

Youth Coaches are the kid’s first influence to sports; they have the impact on weather they stay out for sports or not. Often, kids are to worried to make a mistake because they think there coach will bully them. Coaches often use fear to motivate a player, but fear is a mental killer to a kid’s confidence. If a coach of young kids is unfair in attention and playing time, youth can become discouraged and stop playing the sport. Also, if a coach has an undesirable attitude and displays poor sportsmanship, it can rub off onto the players and they can begin expressing the same actions. Subsequently, when a coach forgets about making sure the kids are having fun and starts caring more about winning it takes the fun away from the kids. This may also turn the kids focus towards winning and not having fun. Finally, if your coach as a kid on your team that player may receive more playing time, and will be treated more significant then the other kids. Unfortunately, this is a big impact on if kids go out for a sport or not. Kids don’t want to sit on the bench and watch the coach’s son make the same mistake again and again and not get into trouble, but if someone else makes the same mistake they won’t play for the rest of the …show more content…

Ultimately, everything that a coach could say or do poorly, this is how the team may perform during the game. However, if a coach expressed positive sportsmanship, the team or players have a better chance of playing at a higher level, and play with sportsmanship. Also, if coaches aren’t focusing on just winning, but more about learning and enjoying the game, the kids are more are likely encouraged to stay out for the sport. Studies have shown that kids don’t care about winning they care about learning the game and having fun. Coaches who have a positive attitude towards the kids, and show them how to play the sport while having fun, are will more likely stay out for the

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