Cause And Effects Of Poor Air Quality

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Poor Air Quality in Fresno – Cause and Impacts Definition of Air Pollution Today, our environment faces air pollution; however, some of us are still not aware of it. It is a serious matter because it is all around us, and it causes harm to every single one of us; it might not be as evident in certain areas as others, but it is still present and affecting us in numerous ways. Air pollution, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is the contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere (as cited in WHO, n.d.). In other words, air pollution is contaminated or dirty air. Furthermore, in the new estimates available, the WHO reports that 1 in …show more content…

These air pollutants are of major concerns, because they were considered as the greatest danger to humans and the environment. Also, they are sometimes referred to as criteria pollutants because criteria were established to limit their emission (Hoyle, 2014). Major Sources of Air Pollutants in Fresno Air pollution threatens many cities worldwide, and unfortunately, Fresno is one of those heavily affected cities. According to the Fresno Metro Ministry, the air pollution in San Joaquin Valley comes from the two main sources: ozone and particulate matter. Ozone is a gas that consists of three oxygen atoms that are bonded together into a molecule, and it is referred to as smog if it is closer in the earth’s surface. Particulate matter refers generically to a mixture of minute airborne solid particles and liquid droplets that are present in the air (as cited in Fresno Metro Ministry, n.d.). Factors that are Responsible for the Poor Air Quality in

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