The Pros And Cons Of The Political System Of Western Europe

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Question 4: In a region as relatively prosperous as Western Europe, it can be difficult to deem one nation more successful than another. Collectively, Western Europe probably enjoys a higher level of well-being than any other region. However, upon closely examining the details of the political systems of Western European countries, it is evident that are benefits and drawbacks to every system. First off is Great Britain, an isolated nation known for developing a distinct system of government separate from that of the rest of continental Europe. The humble beginnings of Parliament blossomed into an important part of the British political process. Politically active and well-educated members of the common class formed the House of Commons Bureaucracy is a beloved part of French society and while many French complain about it, it would be difficult for them to continue on without it. This affection for bureaucracy is proven by France’s political system: the semi-presidential model. While this model can be effective at allowing two popular parties to share political power, it can also lead to cohabitation and deadlock. While two parties can run the government together harmoniously, this is rare and hard to do. It would be more effective to separate the executive and legislative branches completely instead of running the risk of forcing the French government into cohabitation (Roskin, While Great Britain’s political system is especially conducive to success, Germany’s goes a step further by not only preventing deadlock, but also allowing a large number of parties to be represented in government. Having a large number of parties prevents the ineffective form of political compromise present in the United States from dampening political optimism. Most Germans are able to vote for what they believe in instead of voting against what they don’t want. Proportional representation is the most shining accomplishment of the German political system (Roskin, 2015, p. 176). There is little criticism for the efficient, well-oiled political machine that the Germans have built. Germany’s current system not only grants it domestic success, but allows it to imbue to politics of other nations and influence nations across the world with not only its efficiency, but its generosity as

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