My Artisan Personality Characteristics

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For the Keirsey personality test, I received the Artisan personality type. I wasn’t very surprised when I received this type because I have taken similar tests and have gotten similar scores or types before. According to my results artisans “naturally excel in any of the arts”. The results spoke of artisans having keen senses and loved working with their hands. The results also spoke of artisan’s doing whatever it takes to get where they want to be. I found this to be very true and relatable. This past year I have had many jobs, piled on classes, and worked many hours to work towards my goal of graduating. I have moved away from home (my comfort zone) and worked towards my dream of being the first in my family to graduate from college. I have …show more content…

Although I am a hard worker, I do enjoy having fun and trying new things. I am always looking for a new artist to see live or a new restaurant to eat at. I try to travel and go to festivals as much as my wallet permits me to. I strongly believe doing what is considered fun to you is when you are most present and happy. Artisans are competitive, impulsive, and adaptable. They are also too nice for their own good. Generosity and compassion are my favorite traits about myself however, at times I find it can only put me in a bad position or out of luck. Artisans also don’t enjoy being confined. They do what they want, when they want. Here again, I see the results to be very in line with my personality. I do not enjoy being bound down. I like to think for myself and do what I want to do. This definitely relates to more of the relationships in my life. Lastly, the ideal job for me would be a job where I have the freedom to “gather observations, collections of facts, and set of skills in order to do your work.” Overall, I found my results to be very on point with my actually personality. It was a tad creepy however amusing to read and relate …show more content…

The report described my self-esteem to be pretty strong. If people reject me based on who I am or what I do, I am most likely not going to be affected by it. I also don’t really go out of my way to attain approval from people who don’t accept the way I am. Although rejection may hurt me, I don’t let it change how I feel about myself. The results described me as strong and only worried about my own approval. I found these results to be pretty true now that I have gotten older. When I was younger I used to always worry about what others thought of me, however as I have grown and been through more hardships, I have learned that the only approval I need is my own. I agreed with the results when it said at times I may feel hurt when rejected but not devastated. This is true. At times I still feel this hurt, however I don’t let it ruin my view on

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