Personal Narrative Essay: Why I Have A Child?

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I have always dreamed of having children someday. I have never questioned not having kids. Having children creates an unbreakable bond between husband and wife. I want to be able to experience being a parent and having a family because I know I will be a great mother someday. I plan on having about three children with at least one boy and at least one girl. There is many reasons why I have decided to have children someday. The reasons I want to have children is because I love children and I want to have someone to take care of. I know I would get bored pretty quickly if I did not have children eventually. It is human nature to have babies and I want to contribute to that. Experiencing pregnancy and child birth is a major life experience …show more content…

I would like to focus on school and wait until I am completely done to have children. This is so that I once I have children I know that I will have time to focus allot more of my attention on them. This would also be less stressful on me. I feel that it would be hard to focus on school, work, and children at the same time. I would also like to wait at least two years after I get married to have kids. I want to have chance to spend time with my husband without having to take care of children. While we are waiting I plan to travel and do all the things that we wouldn’t be able to do until the kids are old enough to enjoy a family vacation. Since I plan on getting married before I go to law school, by the time I graduate I would have been married for about two years and I would be done with school. I think that is the perfect time for me to have kids. I love children and I couldn’t imagine not having some of my own. I will take care of them while they grow up. I will have the peace in mind knowing that I have somebody to take care of me when I get old. I will never get bored or lonely. Having somebody that I can love and protect is something that I look forward to. I also want to give my parents thee gift of having grandchildren. I hope I can be as great of a parent as mine where to me and my siblings. I cannot wait to have children of my own

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